Author Topic: Thanks Guys.  (Read 2275 times)

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2011, 06:49:53 pm »
Sorry Chief, throw me off the blog but I served my 4 yrs. and have friends who retired after 20, I just do not think a 37 or 38 yr. old (should spend, possibly, 50 yrs.or more collecting a retirement check on the nations dime, no one is more patriotic than myself but when I was in I didn't like it and I still don't, 65 is high, I'd be inclined to agree with 55
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline Gabby

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2011, 07:56:38 pm »
I have a slightly different view.
How many other jobs that pay the same wages as our armed forces, require putting your life on the line at a moments notice year after year.

Also the average life span isn't quite that long yet, rather than nearly 90 years it's more like 70 give or take. Depends on which life insurance company you're talking to.

Now if you want to save the taxpayers some BIG BUCKS make congress and the president take the same retirement as any E-6 after his or her 20 years. I think they should be payed a whole lot less as well. The founders were mainly given expense money though some didn't even get that early on, it was their DUTY! Now it's their career! Term limits should be in place on ALL elected positions. 2 terms you are done!

OH by the way nearly every government employee gets to retire after 20 years. Fire fighters, police, county , city, state and federal! While you are thinking about that look and see what the teachers and government employees unions are doing for their members. All on your dime. Get some fresh underwear ready!

The military is a drop in the bucket by comparison.

I don't know why anyone would throw you off the forum Yguy, you have as much business expressing your opinion as I or the next person do. Only insecure people would do something like that.
Your response didn't resort to name calling or any other unwelcome behavior.
My nickles worth.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 05:10:40 am by Gabby »

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2011, 08:42:28 pm »
Gabby, as usual you voiced your opinion, thanks, I know my opinion isn't popular, when I was in service it was suggested to us that we not wear our uniforms in public, never fatigues, and be ready for public criticism,(now rightfully so!!), our uniformed soldiers are getting some respect. I know the life expectancy...that was a "possibility" that I mentioned, we are in a financial crisis in this nation and one section to look at might be gov't pensions and another segment would be if you make 10 times the median income you should be taxed proportionately!! Believe it or not I'd like to consider myself a conservative.
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline Gabby

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 12:15:53 am »
Remember what the old line says, opinions and a** holes everyones got one!  ;D LOL
I'm curious when did you serve? I was in the 60's. Off base unless on Navy business you were in Dress uniform or civvies period.
I've been surprised at the wearing of BDU's nowadays! I don't think battle dress is appropriate for liberty or travel, nothing so sharp as a service "person"  ;D in Dress Uniform. But I'm not in charge.

I may be misunderstanding what you are saying about criticism. I don't feel our troops should be criticized by the public for following their lawful orders! Respect for our veterans is a given!.

Crisis is right. All we have to do is look and see where the pork is, special funding to foreign nations many grants to dubious projects here in the states due to payment for favors rendered,, the list goes on........
These things add up to billions with a capitol B without any benefit to any middle or low class person with the exception of welfare for those who didn't earn it. Which is another subject by itself.

My income whether it's a dollar a day or ten thousand dollars a day is MINE I EARNED IT and I expect to be taxed accordingly. If the tax is 15% I would expect to pay that no matter how much I earned.
But to tax me more because of an arbitrary figure decided by some bureaucrat to be excessive for my needs is dead wrong. Who decides what the median income is? Are they corrupt, or honest, have the numbers been fiddled with? Do you trust your government not to cheat. NOT me!
In order to know if a politician is lying or not, see if his lips are moving!

As to whether or not you are a conservative, I don't really know, however some of what you are saying is echoing what I hear from the liberals. So I would maybe list you as a moderate with your ears open and I hope your mind as well.

Take the time to look where all this leads us to over time. 2076 will be the third centennial for this country will it be a place where you want your grand kids to be living. What kind of life will it be? I suspect if things continue as they are, it will be a life where every moment of every day will be under the watchful eye of someone who will be able to regulate their activity at all times. Think I'm crazy? There are video cameras going up everywhere, and the quality of images is getting better all the time, with super computers they will be able to identify you from photos in seconds. Oh Yguy you are supposed to be going to the dentist on your lunch break, what were you going into Joe's bar for?
I know this has gotten long so I'll stop with this. Be an inquiring mind, not someone who just accepts what the talking heads have to say as truth.
Oh and keep your hands off my wallet. LOL
Take care friend,

« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 05:14:11 am by Gabby »

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2011, 08:35:08 am »
I served 68' to 72. Yes, class A's only in public, I always wore mine tho' there were official suggestions made about not wearing uniforms if not necessary.  
Because of the war protesters, when I got back from VN, Jane Fonda met us at the gates to Travis AFB.
Back to my earlier comment, the problem for me is the unfunded programs like pensions, when police, fire or service people get a pay agreement the pension should be in the agreement and SET ASIDE so it isn't a growing bill.  That's what happened to SS, soooo many added benefits that just became another tax for the country.

And now I'm off to the Midwest Scrollsaw Show in Richland Center, Wi, hope to see some of you there.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 08:37:23 am by yyyyyguy »
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline Russ C

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2011, 10:57:42 am »
I remember that saying Gabby. I think it went, opinons are like a$$holes, everyones got one, and everyone stinks. Some a whole lot more than others.   ::)  ::)  ::)

Keep The Blade On The Line.

Offline Gabby

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Re: Thanks Guys.
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2011, 11:46:49 pm »
Yguy enjoy your scroll saw show, it's just a bit far for me to attend. LOL
I hope you have a great time!


