Author Topic: Be Careful  (Read 653 times)


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Be Careful
« on: July 19, 2011, 08:13:18 pm »
I found out today that a good friend of mine was working on his table saw yesterday and cut off all four fingers on his right hand.  He was airlifted to the big hospital in Honolulu and after an 8 hour operation, they were able to attach all idea if he will be able to use them again.  He was new to woodworking and was making wooden boxes.  In a couple weeks I was going to start given him scrolling lessons.

The table saw is the one tool in my shop I show the most respect for.  We have all had a board thrown back against us from a bind, but loosing fingers.....PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!


Offline dgman

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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 08:29:43 pm »
Larry, sorry to hear about your Friend. I have the deepest respect for all power tools with the table saw getting the most respect. When ever I use my table saw, I plan the cut before I make it. If that little voice inside says don't do that, then I find another way to do it.
In the twenty years I have been woodworking, I can honestly say I have never been cut by a moving blade. I have been cut by blades that were not moving, but not a moving blade.
Dan In Southern California

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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 08:34:43 pm »
dgman, I'm with you, I have too many friends w/o fingers b/cuz of the table saw which happens to be my favorite tool in the shop, I have a few bruises to prove it...ouch :-[
I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline Intarsia92

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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 09:14:54 pm »
I've been using power tools for over Sixty-Five years and had only one accident, but that was one too many. I got careless and didn't tighten down the fence and a board I was cutting began to bind and kicked back, hitting my left hand, so now I have two screws and a scar to remind me to be more careful.

I was tempted to post a picture, but it's not very pretty!!

My Accident  - July 10, 2003
3:35pm ? True Story

Just down the road ?around the bend
I sit typing with one hand; the other on the mend.
I was out in the garage cutting this little board, you see,
The next thing I knew it went flying past me.

It happened so fast all I could do was yell?
?Cause when the board hit my hand it hurt like?.Well!!
My wife took one look and said ?Better get to Urgent Care?
The Dr. looked at the X-rays and said ?Go to the hospital and the Surgeon will meet you there.?

I laid on the operating table and said ?What are you going to do to me?
All he said was ?Don?t worry, I?ll be all done before you count to Three?
The next thing I knew I awoke with my hand in a cast.
Seems like everything was happening way too fast.

I was told I?d have to stay in the hospital over night,
With my gown open down the back?.It was not a pretty sight!
A Nurse took my ?Vitals? every half hour until Three am.
Then, it was only once every hour until Ten.

Didn?t get much sleep, between the Nurse and all the noise in the halls,
Just laid there all night staring at the walls.
At Six am another patient checked into the room,
He was to have a Hernia operation just about noon.

My Nurse came in and gave me the good news about Seven,
Said they?d try to have me released sometime around Eleven.
I called my wife and told her to hop in the car;
Come and get me, seeing as it wasn?t very far.

She arrived at the hospital with little time to spare;
They whisked me to the parking lot in a wheel chair.
Now I?m sitting around milking it for all it?s worth,
To be around me is probably like living thru Hell on earth.
From now on I?ll remember to adjust those ?Anti-kickback Wheels?
Because I?m sitting here grounded until my Left Hand heals!
Don?t let an Accident happen to you my friend,
Just down the road?around the bend!


Hegner 20" Polymax

Offline Gabby

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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 09:18:50 pm »
Al you are quite the talented fellow, great wood work and a poet to boot!


