Author Topic: I understand your feeling  (Read 781 times)

Offline frankorona

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I understand your feeling
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:14:14 pm »
Wars have always been absurd.
Sometimes people have much to gain and little to lose by your ideals.
The worst thing is that war is not like before.
In all countries the first thing they do is protect the president when it should be him who was at the forefront of battle, but take care as if it were a God and that is wrong.
Not for saving a man must die hundreds of thousands in a battle that is not even yours.
I do not know, maybe I'm wrong, is only an opinion with respect to such pointless death.
If we were to keep silence for the dead who fell in combat, you probably do not have to do for a minute, maybe we would be silent for centuries.

Las guerras siempre han sido absurdas.
A veces algunos tienen mucho que ganar y poco que perder seg?n sus ideales.
Lo peor del caso es que la guerra ya no es como antes.
En todos los pa?ses lo primero que hacen es proteger al presidente, cuando deber?a ser ?l quien fuera al frente de batalla, pero lo cuidan como si fuera un Dios y eso est? mal.
No por salvar a un hombre tienen que morir cientos de miles en una lucha que ni siquiera es suya.
No lo s?, tal vez estoy equivocado, es s?lo una opini?n con respecto a tanta muerte in?til.
Si tuvi?ramos que guardar silencio por los muertos ca?dos en combate, probablemente no lo tengamos que hacer por un minuto, tal vez tendr?amos que callar por siglos.


