Author Topic: I think I am in love  (Read 1410 times)

Offline mrsn

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I think I am in love
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:12:06 pm »
I think I am in love, sorry HWPlmbr1, it?s not you  ;) 
There is a bit of a back story, but I think it is worth reading.
About a year ago I opened an ETSY page in hopes of selling some of the jewelry I make online. About a week after I got the site set up I got an email from an editor of a local newspaper asking if I would be interested in being in the ?Artist Spotlight?. I was originally skeptical, but did some research and it was a legitimate offer so I was thrilled. The article is framed hanging in my shop  ;D A little while after the article was printed I got an email from a lady saying that her late-husband was a woodworker and left a garage full of stuff that she had been going through and asked if I had any interest in any woodworking books or a Hegner scroll saw.  The lady was super nice, and I ended up getting a great deal on a ton of books and the saw. It would have been really cool to meet her husband, he was a really cool guy.
I took the saw home and used it a few times. I loved how it cut, nice and smooth, but changing blades was a pain. I really didn?t get why it was valued so highly by everyone. I mean, I can change blades in seconds on my Hitachi; the smoother cut doesn?t balance that out. (Too me at least) I don?t do super complicated projects, but even 20 or 30 holes in a project would get tiresome.  I used it occasionally but the Hegner sat collecting dust for most of the last year.
As I was finishing up my last Christmas present my Hitachi quit working on me. I needed to finish the project so I turned to the Hegner, I was really glad I only had a few cuts left to make. I also noticed a forum topic on them and mentioned that I didn?t like the blade changing, and some wonderful guys told me that I should check into a quick clamp for the saw. Well my husband got my Hitachi back up and running after the second time it died (a broken switch, btw) and I ordered a quick clamp from
I got the clamp in a week that I didn?t even have time to think about scrolling it was my son?s birthday and I had to frost rockets on his cake. Since then I have installed it and I LOVE IT! Now I can finally enjoy how smooth the saw cuts, and I get why people love their Hegner saws. Now it will be my Hitachi collecting dust, unless I need the bigger table.
So if any of you have a Hegner that is collecting dust because you can?t change the blades, try the quick clamp, it is so worth the money.


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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 08:38:37 pm »
Dang See I thought it was me oh well I guess I can take a back seat to the

Good story if I ever get that brand I will order it straight away.

Offline Merlin

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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 02:55:52 pm »
Mrsn: I have a Hegner look-a-like saw, the same as a REAL Henger only made in some Taiwanese place.
I had trouble with the blade changing so I purchased the Quick Change Clamp and hell what a difference.
I believe the air hose on the REAL Hegner is a bit of a pain (from what I have heard), but on the  Taiwanese model it is a segmented hose, and that makes a big difference to the moving of dust.

I can't afford a REAL Hegner or even a De-Walt and this saw cost me about $850.00nzd ($1200.00usd approx). But if the money was in my hands I wood buy a Hegner.
The table is no real big problem a piece of perplex and you are a way.
I was looking at an old saw a few weeks back in a garage and the table was only about 12inches in diameter, so the old boys around a 100 years ago got on ok with a small table top on their saws.

To sum up I;m like you my dear and LOVE my Hegner (if it's only Taiwanese).

Try not! Do,
or do not
There is no try

Yoda "Empire Strikes Back" 1980

Offline Danny

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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 03:51:10 pm »
Hey Thar Mrsn....Me also had the 16" Hitachi and I just LOVED it.  Used it for around 2 years and had to repair it three times.  Bet I could change a blade with my eyes closed....NOW....My Hegner which I just LOVE has all the good qualities you mentioned.  I also bought the Quick Blade change knob and the modification for the air hose.  My saw was given to me and after using it for a time or two I came to the conclusion that whoever engineered the design was NUTS!  Who wants the air to blow ALL the fine saw dust right back in your face n lap????  Awful!  And to have to use that
'T' handle wrench to loosen the screw to change blades.  Awful!  Also I am slowly getting used to putting that lil blade holder in its clamp on the bottom, but really think this part could be designed better.  Hey did I mention that my Hegner can cut a STRAIGHT LINE for short or long distances?  LOL  The Hitachi couldn't.  Hehehehehe.  Anyway  Danny  :+}

It is manufactured very simple.  Not much to it.  No side covers or anything fancy like most other scrollsaws.  I Love the ORANGE color tho.  LOL

Danny  :+}


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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 11:35:26 pm »
Bounced by a machine! :o I am cut to the quick :'(  When that machine gives out and the dust settles and you come cryin...I'll be here for you!

Gotta be a country song there somewhere! ;D


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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 02:49:06 am »
I don't have a Hegner yet - but my entry level saw also had a not so advanced blade clamp. I changed it too.
Changing that makes more difference than expected.

the dust blower - I just dismounted it and got a tank pump. That is also so much better!  It also blows when the saw is not on, which makes it easy to adjust the pipe.

@ Herold
don't give up. At least she's a girls thrilled for tools  :D



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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2011, 10:07:00 pm »
Torsten, I would never come between Mrs.N and her scroll saw! ;D


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Re: I think I am in love
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2011, 01:17:20 am »
I have a Hegner (and a Delta P-20).  I also got the quick change clamp from Mike a long time ago.  Also I hate blowing dust so I got the dust collector which I think is a great addition to any saw.  I even made one for my P-20, and my drill press, and my Band saw, and working on one for my table saw.  Did I mention I hate blowing dust?


