Author Topic: How is Corona effecting your life?  (Read 6574 times)

Offline Marcellarius

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How is Corona effecting your life?
« on: March 22, 2020, 09:23:02 am »
Hi Y'all,

With this new Corona virus going around the world I was wondering on how it does effect your daily life?
Over here in Holland, bars, restaurants, schools, churches are closed.
And also a lot of stores did close their doors.
Doctors office and hospitals did go into emergency protocol.
for now all is going on till April 6th, but possible extending.
I'm passing true the day, staying in the house. Watch TV and use the PC.
I'm glad we don't feel lonely with no kids that visit, we have the cellphone and use video calls.
And luckily I've the workshop to pass some of the time...
And the sun is shining outside, so we sit in the sun and enjoy it.

so i was wondering how y'all get true the day?

sometimes I make designer firewood....

Offline Intarsia92

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2020, 09:40:09 am »
Sounds like you're living the same life as us in the US.  We should all take this time to catch up on all the little things we've been putting off.  Stay safe.


Hegner 20" Polymax

Offline GLC

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2020, 10:11:49 am »
Well, here in the suburbs of Houston, Texas things are calm and fairly quite.  Bars and eat in eateries are closed as well as all schools.  Wood is still readily available.  Life is good.  Frustration is hoarders have wiped out the grocery stores shelves and grocers seem unable to replenish stock.  Regards > GLC

Offline don in brooklin on

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2020, 07:04:34 pm »
In Ontario Canada nearly everything is shut down - Schools, libraries, restaurants, bars - ie any no essential service.  Food stores and drive thru and liquor stores open.

Some businesses are open with limited hours and monitor how many allowed in the store.

We are supposed to be practicing social distancing.  No visiting and when out doors stay 6 feet or 2 meters away from others. 

You can go out and walk but stay at a distance.

If you come from outside the country you must go in to 14 day isolation.  Not going to stores etc.  They are now going to fine you if you don't adhere.

My wife and I are trying to keep to ourselves and have not even seen family as I have a daughter who is nurse and a SIL who is a policeman.

I have been working on a bunch of PHD (projects half done) and cleaning up the shop.  I am also doing some Christmas ornaments that I donate to the craft sale at the local cancer support centre.  I hope to have 50 birdhouses and 50 or so other ornaments.

Yesterday, one of the our club members came up with a challenge to make more wig stands for cancer patients.  Each wig stand made will be eligible for some prize.  I started today and got 3 turned part way.  I will don't know how many I will do as my supply of wood is not to great for these.  I have made probably 30 or more in the past.  Our club is up to nearly 500 in the last 5 years since I started this at our club.   

Maybe others could get busy for items that could be donated when this ends.

Offline KCSteve

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2020, 05:50:42 pm »
Because I follow some smart folks on Twitter we saw this coming back in January.  One of the main ones for good info is Mr. Hans G. Schantz (@Aetherczar)

I was doing Uber but we decided that I should take time off from that starting March 1st.  On the 12th someone in her building at work was presumed positive (and later confirmed by test) so she's been working from home since the 13th.

We had already supplemented our normal stocks of things by just a bit so the hoarders haven't been a real problem for us.

Having been a Software Engineer (programmer) for over 30 years before I got caught in the 2010 layoffs I've had various routines well worked out to keep us from getting infected, down to using some cheap food service gloves to get the mail and paper in where they get sprayed with disinfectant.  Those cheap food service gloves from the wholesale store are great, btw.  They're so cheap you don't care about burning through piles of them.  And when things settle down they'll go back to their real purpose - keeping me from getting epoxy all over myself when I'm turning pens.  ;D

One thing we've been doing for years is looking more and more like it's a great idea: Elderberry concentrate and Zicam.  Elderberries contain an anti-viral.  TamiFlu is that anti-viral isolated and made in the lab.  If you have a shot of Elderberry concentrate every day you're getting some of the anti-viral.  How much?  No way to tell but at least it's some.  Haven't had a real cold or flu in years.  If we think we're starting to get something we hit the Zicam (zinc).  Turns out the main way the malaria drug works is by helping your cells take up zinc.   Can't say for sure that these two things are keeping us safe since neither one of us wants to be the control to see if we get sick if we stop, but so far so good.

I'm hoping that most of us are just getting a little more un-interrupted time to spend at our saws.

See you on the other side!

Offline scrollfinch

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2020, 11:51:10 am »
Hello Friends!
I stay in Austria (Europe). The shut down here was done very early, but step by step. At march 13th shut down was finished. Boarders were closed. schools, bars, restausants, hotels, shopping center and all shops are closed. Only food stores, pharmacys and drug stores are open. We all have to keep distance. If possible, business is done in home office. My wife had to stay at home from job for 5 weeks. We all had to stay at home.
Now shut down is ending step by step. All shops are now open agein. Shopping center will open at may 2nd. also our barber. My wife is now back in job - first for one day in the week.
Movie theaters, bars and night clubs are still closed for a longer time, also hotels. Restaurants will open in 2 weeks, but with a reduced number of tables to stay in distance.
In this time we moved in our weekend house. So I can use my workshop there to do some scrolling and other wood working.
Stay healthy!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 01:14:23 am by scrollfinch »
My english is poor? Sorry! It's not my native language.

Offline barb e

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Re: How is Corona effecting your life?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2020, 08:08:41 pm »
I am in Winnipeg, MB the geographical center of Canada.  We were closed down like most other folks but our numbers are very different.  Because we are a "small" community with no other large cities near by, we have been able to social distance quite well.  Things are starting to open up.  I did go for a hair cut when the salons opened.  Had to wear a mask the whole time.  Only 3 staff & 3 clients in at a time.  Hubby and I ate at one of the outdoor patios on Friday, our anniversary.  There was lots of room between everything. Menus were accessed by Qcodes from your phone.  Hubby is in IT and has worked from home.  I am an insurance broker. I was in the office for the first couple of weeks although we locked the doors to the public.  Worked from home for 3 weeks, but now am heading back into the office.  Doors are also open for the public.  Only allowing 3 clients in at a time.  I must admit, that other than change in my shopping habits, only every two weeks, I haven't really felt the effects.  I did stock up on wood before the lock downs happened but haven't gotten as much time as I thought i would like.  Stay safe all. Happy sawing!!


