Author Topic: Thank you for the timely comments about hearing loss.  (Read 1190 times)

Offline eburk

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Thank you for the timely comments about hearing loss.
« on: April 18, 2018, 03:01:27 pm »
Steve, I can relate to your comments about hearing loss. I have tinnitus something fierce. the ringing never stops, and has been such for over 40 years. I was in the Air Force in the late 60's-late 70's. Had a great job as a musician. Back then we did not use any kind of hearing protection and over the years I was in my hearing gradually worsened. I was involved in music in bands and orchestras for over 25 years. I was talking with another young man a few years ago who told me that now they have decibel meters in the rehearsal rooms and they all wear either headphones or earplugs, some of them use both. Of course the VA and the military does not want to admit they were complicit in any of our hearing problems, so I have learned to cope with the ringing as best I can. However, that being said, I would love to listen to an orchestra or a band and not have to filter out the ringing to enjoy the music.
Stayin' warm in the North country!

Offline dirtrider73068

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Re: Thank you for the timely comments about hearing loss.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 10:46:09 pm »
I have tinnitus as well, and I am ony 41. Its awful constant ringing some days its worse makes it hard to hear simple sounds and kinda makes me sound deaf to high pitch tones, I am always say what or huh. Mine is due to being young and stupid and thinking my radio had to be screaming or wear headphones and have them up way too loud. Now I am more cautious to loud noises but the damage is done years ago if I had only listened to what I was told more so by my parents to turn my music down. Even trying to watch tv I have to turn it up loud to hear it.

Offline Norm Fengstad

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Re: Thank you for the timely comments about hearing loss.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 08:42:37 am »
been thinking about Steve and his ear pain, hope it gets better soon. In the shop all day yesterday wore my hearing protection most of the time but not enough as I awoke to a tinnitus flare up. very annoying


