This is a mod to Steve's Shadow Butterfly, 3.5" tall. I'm not big on "Butterfly Kisses" but the technique to get the text to flow across an odd shape might be of use to someone.
I copied Steve's butterfly from the pdf, then pasted into Inkscape. Then I used the Bezier Curve tool to trace along the top edge of the left wing (click point to point then double-click the last point to complete the curve). Then use the Text tool to create the word "Butterfly" using 40 point Scroll Beach Italic. Go to the select tool (arrow at the top of the tool pallet), click the text, then shift-click the curve (so both are selected). Go to the top menu, Text/Put on Curve. This will make the word form across the top of the butterfly wing. Back in the text tool, set inter-character spacing (AA) so the word about stretches across the top of the wing. Then select the text and move it down so the top of the text is below the top of the wing. At this point the word is too wide, so use the arrows to squeeze the word smaller so it flows across the top edge of the wing as shown above. Repeat this for the word "Kisses" and the right wing edge.