I will add my 2 cents worth since my son and I never use anything but spiral blades.
It is my hobby but I also like to "make a buck" with the 3 shows we do.
I usually stack 3 or 4 pieces of quarter inch Baltic birch.
Yes there are fuzzies (and not the warm cuddly ones)
Here is how I deal with them.
I turn the fuzzy piece over flat on a rubber mat (the kind sold for routing I think) then I run the orbital sander over it with 220 grit. That gets rid of a lot of them.
Then I GENTLY use a 180 grit mop sander to finish it off. In fact I use that on all pieces I cut. If you support the piece well it is no problem.
I have my mop sander in a drill fastened upside down and plugged into a rheostat to slow it down a bit.
that's what this old woman does and if you have questions or want photos of my set up just ask