The use of individual images is allowed under Fair Use laws. You cannot make a profit from someone else's efforts, and you cannot use a trademark in a way that would cause damage to the owner of the (TM). If you're not trying to sell insurance or other advertising, then cutting the camel image won't matter.
For a simple image with one subject (a photo of one person, animal, or vehicle) it usually takes me less than 30 minutes to render the pattern using GIMP and Inkscape, but it is not just pushing a few buttons. The mechanical steps up to the photocopy filter in GIMP are pretty direct, but then you have some work to do in Inkscape, and quite a bit of work once you come back to GIMP to fix floaters and risky peninsulas.
If you have not done it before it probably will take over an hour, but it gets faster as you build some skills.