Well it has finally happened for me. I was able to get some new machines, or should I saw my first machines. I got a jointer, planer, and a band saw. I have used more hardwoods lately and have been happier with the results than using plywood like when I started. So with getting some new machines, I needed to get some hardwood for the machines. I put one question out on Facebook to my friends and got a hit right away. There is a sawmill only 15 minutes away from me. They have every kind of domestic hardwood there just about. I should be buying some here soon and starting to mill my own thicknesses of boards. In the long run this will be cheaper for me. Buying online like I have costs quite a bit. Not only the wood, but also for them to surface it and have it thickness for your scroll saw already, also shipping costs. With the sawmill near me, I am getting wood for about $1 a bd. ft. for like maple and oak and not much more for other species. Just thought I'd share the success I am having. Also with these capabilities I can make more than just scrolling work. Say I make a coffee table or something. I can take a plunge router( soon I will get hopefully) and route an area on the surface to inlay work I made on the scroll saw. So I am really happy with my advancement in what I will be able to do with my work.