Hi to all.
Just some comments regarding the blade used for the test :
1) The size is 14 and nothing to see with OLSON or FD. There are not only these two blades on the market!! This blade and all the PEGAS blades are manufactured in Switzerland by Scies Miniatures S?rl, part of Grobet Files CO in USA.
2) Yes it?s a huge blade, but the target of this test is to know the lasting of the blade. Of course all the Pegas blades are similar regarding the performances.
3) This blade (the same blade) which already cut one time 150 slices and after again 100 slices is still perfectly sharpened and the test is continuing ?..You will see another video in a few days.
4) An EX21 was specially modified in order to make tests absolutely free of human perturbations during the cutting phase. Nobody push on the wood part, like you saw on the video. This is the only way to obtain a test absolutely impartial.
5) If any other similar test were already made in the past with any blade, please let me know I?m curious to see the results.
6) I don?t want to create a polemic, just help my passionate friends like myself.
All the best to all woodworking fanatics!