These little cups are cut from a scrap of 2x4. They make good nut and bolt holders or desktop paperclip cups. Quick to make and interesting coloring from a crappy piece of wood.
The left cup has a 3" outside diameter vertical outside wall, 1/4" ring width (2.5" I.D.), and a 10 degree tapered inside.
The right has a 3" O.D., 2.5" I.D., with a 27 degree taper inside and outside.
Laying the internal waste plug on its side makes its bottom surface parallel to the blade, so it's easy to slice off the bottom section to fit back into the cup to make a bottom. On the right cup, the bottom was glued in then sanded flat. On the right cup, the bottom was glued in and the slight extension (1/8") below the bottom of the cup was left as a small stand-off.
These are rubbed with Feed-n-Wax for a finish.
For the pilot hole, note that most 1/16" bits are too short to drill through a 2x4, especially at an angle. For these cups I cut off a 4" length of 3/32" steel welding rod and sharpened the tip like a pencil on a belt sander, then chucked it in a hand drill. The welding rod drilled through the pine 2x4 with no trouble, but it gets very hot in the process (let it cool before trying to remove it from the drill or you'll get burned).