Author Topic: Hug a tree  (Read 1514 times)


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Hug a tree
« on: February 23, 2013, 01:10:47 pm »
It is just not a symbolic characterization of gesture.  It is more than that.  We should do it because we are connected and dependent upon each other for the life giving air we share.  As I age with the wisdom created by life; As I walk amongst the trees in my northern Wisconsin forest I give thanks for the air that comes with each breath I take.  The gift of a tree is priceless. We appropriately refer to our area as God's country.  Protect the earth your life depends on it.
Man should have said "When" along time ago.  Something you say when you have had enough.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 01:14:18 pm by dirts »

Offline yyyyyguy

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Re: Hug a tree
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 02:05:14 pm »
I agree, whenever there seems to be a concerted effort to do good the powers that be seem to send us two steps back.  Two years ago I had never heard of frac mining.

I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.


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Re: Hug a tree
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 10:08:00 am »
This food for thought is a result of Taconite mining in northern Wisconsin.  The area people said no. Now Gov. Walker is developing legislation to make it easy for the mine to come in without any input from Northern Wisconsin.
Minnesotas upper range is being investigated because of the double cases of Mesothemioma.  After initial exposure it doesn't show up until 20-30 yrs. later and then the prognosis is approx. 4 yrs.  When they grind the Taconite into pebbles the heavy metals that are freed and concentrate are mercury, lead and arsenic.  Infants in the Northern range of Minn, Mich and Wis. test very high for Mercury in the blood.  Taconite mining frees a fiber that is a brother to asbestos which enters the air and ground water.  Now the Republicans gave state tax absolution to Mining Companies.  It results in Win-Win for mining lose-lose for area family health.


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Re: Hug a tree
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 11:06:36 am »
Dirts--It is not just "the Republicans" that have caused this problem--It's our whole political system that is a mess--reform is needed in all aspects of our government--I wish everyone would quit blaming the other guys when in reality it is everyone's fault that means mine and yours--but we keep voting in the crooks that we have put in office--Our founding fathers didn't set up congress as a full time job--the original congress didn't even get paid for going their off season job, as most were farmers and such and had real jobs--for the past 75 years all the american have wanted was MORE and never second quested what the real price would be--so much for my band standing. I can appreciate your concerns and thanks for listening to mine--Richard

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Re: Hug a tree
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2013, 09:50:26 pm »
As a practicing republican thank you Thumbs...and thank you Dirts because I can not understand how any party can condone frac mining when there are so many environmental problems with it.  Just my 2 cents.

I love the smell of saw dust in the morning.

Offline TheMelster

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Re: Hug a tree
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2013, 01:06:40 am »
And I know Walker, he'll do whatever him d-- well pleases...always has and always will. Can't wait till his term is over


