I was a single mom for 21 years. As my kids got older (and more expensive), I had to find a way to make more than one job could pay. I made furniture (cradles, hope chests, tables etc.) but those items were in short demand. I started making scrolled items because the wood was lighter and I could complete projects quickly.
I started selling at a local pharmacy/gift shop that let me put in some spiral bowls and crosses. I took in 8 pieces the first week and sold out by Thursday. What a blessing! As my kids went away to college, I started carrying things with me everywhere. I would meet friends for lunch and carry in a box of random pieces. Not to sell to my friends, but people in the restaurants would ask if they were for sale when I would take them out to show my friends. I often left with no wood and a fair amount of money.
I moved from the Dallas area to central Texas in 08 and worried that I would have to start all over because my business was mostly word of mouth. I found a great gallery that specialized in wood working items and sold my stuff for way more than I did. The local people know what I do because I often donate to silent auctions and fund raisers. I live in a very small community and folks often show up just to see what I am working on.
I no longer have to make a living off my scrollwork. I do it for the shear enjoyment of making something that makes me happy. I am blessed to be able to do what I love for no other reason.