Sorry Steve I downloaded your latest Duck Pattern, and it doesn't look like any Mallard I ever saw. As a matter of fact it looks more like a Wood Duck to me. the swept back neck feathers, the lack of the curled tailfeathers and the slender beak are a give away. It is a pattern I will cut as I'm a fan of both breeds due to their great coloration and beauty.
While I'm embarasing our benefactor I may as well tell him he reversed his photo on the Blogspot where he is posed with his Excaliber.
How do I know?
Excaliber is spelled backwards. LOL
Just goes to show he's human too. I wasn't so sure after watching his videos, those hands just fly!!
Thanks for a gret forum Steve we all love it!
Yup still kicking.
I added the photo to show the similarity to the pattern, the main difference is the ends of the wing feathers are left off in the pattern, which threw me a curve at first.