GrayBeard, so sorry to hear you have lost 3 of your beloved Kitties. So glad you opened your heart and home to two new kitties.
Saturday coming home from town on a deserted part of our road a little orange and white 8-10 week old kitten was wandering around in the middle of the road. Looked like he hadn't eaten in a few days. Being a cat lover (4) I stopped and picked him up and brought him home. I put him in quarantine, fed him and gave him some water. He inhaled the food and water. My neighbor happened to stopped by and she and her husband now own the kitten. They named him Creamsicle and he will have a playmate by the name of Ricky.
Had to do a lot of bs'n to get the husband to agree to keep him over night to see how things went, they haven't brought him back to me so I guess everything is going ok. Whew! I love it when things like this work out.