I purchased this one
http://www.lie-nielsen.com/catalog.php?sku=2-MF-104 from Lie-Nielson several months ago. I use it mostly for VERY intricate work, like when I need to split a line. I can see exactly where the blade, even a 2/0, meets the line. I'm not saying it makes me cut better, I'm just saying I can see better!!! Most of the time, I simply use a pair of 2.0 reading glasses (you know, the $10 ones available at your local pharmacy). I tried my wife's swing arm magnifier light, but found I didn't care for the perspective it gave me of where I was cutting. It seemed like my view was off slightly, and I couldn't seem to position myself in a spot where what I was feeling matched what I was seeing. Probably need to have my eyes calibrated! Anyway, day to day, I use the magnifying reading glasses, but when I need to get really down and detailed with my cut, I grab the visor I keep hanging nearby.
On a side note, Lie-Nielson's showroom isn't particularly impressive when you walk in, but as soon as you start picking up and examining, even trying out, their tools, you quickly realize you are holding a very nice (and expensive!) tool! <come on powerball!>