Author Topic: I'm ticked off  (Read 741 times)


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I'm ticked off
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:10:24 pm »
I was on another forum ... I don't interact on that forum ... I happen to see a request for a pattern.
Since my memory hasn't totally left me, I remember the same request being made here, and one of our gracious ( can't remember who ) pattern makers posted a pattern for them.  It takes a lot of time to make a pattern from a photo !!!!!  The pattern makers here are taking their time to help someone else .... they don't have to do it but, they are great people who want to help others.  What is going to happen is our pattern makers are going to say the heck with it, and not attempt to try and help anymore.   We all lose when that happens !!!  If the pattern was not up to the expectations of the individual they could have contacted the pattern maker and asked ... very graciously... if alterations could have been made.  I really busted a gut over this, as I think it is totally unfair to take advantage of another.   
TO our pattern makers ... thank you for all that you do ... your unselfish dedication is noticed.

Offline Gabby

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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 01:35:42 am »
Marion, I believe this is caused by so many people expecting instant gratification to their wants, they have come to expect it as their due. No respect for others!
You have reason to be ticked off. Thanks for making your feelings known. Ditto to our many talented designers. Many thanks.


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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 04:07:22 am »
was the pattern reposted on the other forum?

We need to keep in mind that anyone can see the patterns and it doesn't need to be a known member to repost something somewhere else.


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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 08:50:23 am »
I see your point, but for some, it's easier thought than "said" to decline what has been offered.  Even if free.  He/She may have just wanted to see the variations of what would be offered with his/her request.  Many times when people make a request, they may have a specific look in mind that they are holding out for.  I don't think he/she meant any ill will, but I see why it upsets you.
As far as me being a designer that has happened once or twice...  When I make a pattern it can take anywhere from one hour to 3-4 hours.  I am somewhat picky in deciding which one's I'll tackle to begin with.  I've had personal emails sent to me where someone requested a pattern that I have not made yet and was told "If I have to pay for it then nevermind".  I wish I didn't need the income so darn much lol.  I've had a few folks post finished work that wasn't my pattern after I had offered it, but...ya win some and ya lose some.  As far as alterations to my patterns, I believe that's 100% acceptable.  Nobody will want to cut something they don't like. 
I, for one, (among many) appreciate the time and efforts so many people on this forum give to each other.  (I also appreciate Steve and Russ for all they do to keep it running smoothly).


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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 10:06:48 am »
I guess I probably over reacted and should not have posted my thoughts. I don't mind helping people, but, when I feel I have been taken advantage of, I back down and have reservations about helping someone else.  These are my personal feeling and maybe should have been kept private.
I appreciate everyone here.  You will never know how much this forum, and the kindness and unselfishness of the members here, means to me.   Marion

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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 10:16:11 am »
Marion, It just shows what a kind hearted person you are. I am not a pattern maker, but I understand your frustration. If you look around, you will see most of our pattern makers are on some of the other scroll sites also. Not all but most. So I wouldn't worry to much about it.
Dan In Southern California

Offline Gabby

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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 06:19:31 pm »
Marion if your words make someone stop and think before asking, after seeing how much work goes into pattern making you have done a good thing.
After a while people loose sight that it entails lots of work, that is donated freely from giving persons. We should not take it for granted.
At the very least the person making the request should say THANK YOU! Whether they use it or not.
You have my respect for your statements.
Off my soap box.


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Re: I'm ticked off
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 12:26:42 pm »
Gabby has it right.  I've tried making patterns from pictures and from scratch and am always amazed at what the folks on this list come up with. I admire the work and realize the effort that goes into them. 


