Author Topic: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips  (Read 2751 times)

Offline MadHatter

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Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« on: April 23, 2010, 07:52:50 am »
I will be attempting my first arts & crafts show in Oct., and was wondering if anyone had tips or stories about their first craft show to share.



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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2010, 03:13:59 pm »
hi there ive only done some small craft fairs here in the uk i make a list of all the things i need to take with me then put a tick next to it when im packing things up the night before seems to work ok the main thing is make sure you have a good lot of change to give pepel when they buy some thing thats the one thing i forgot on my 1st show then you have to find some one to give you change and dont forget food +drink to keep you going hope this helps gary


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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2010, 04:07:11 pm »

I did a lot of craft shows about 10 years ago, and learned a lot of lessons the hard way.  I'll try to give you a couple.

Have a wide range of prices available.  My first show I had prices for $35 and up for custom lamps I made, and barely sold enough to cover my entrance fee.  Later shows I had a handful of low cost pieces that sold surprisingly well, and helped cover my costs.  Customers love things in the $3 to $8 range.

Know the competition.  Have someone there with you at the show so that you can go around and see what you're up against.  If booths look real crowded or busy, maybe that's something you might want to get into as well.

People like to haggle.  I never planned on that fact, and priced my work without any 'wiggle room'.  I later padded my prices a bit, and let folks haggle away.  If someone wanted to pay full price, I always gave them a special deal.

Entrance fees.  Make sure you know how much you have to sell to cover ALL your costs.   I entered a 'bigger' show with a pretty hefty entrance fee, only to find another crafter had similar projects.  I left that day with a net loss on sales.  Not a happy day.

Inventory.  Don't go into too big of production runs before you know what sort of thing your market wants.  Have a variety in case you end up selling in a show where someone has exactly the same sort of merchandise.

Gimmick.  Do some cutting at a show if possible.  Find some other way to show the customer that you are actually the one making these products, not just buying and reselling.

Business cards.  I had a connection in the printing business, and he made me a big batch of business cards.  I used these for price tags, contact cards, anything I could think of so that folks would remember where to come back to if they needed more.  Most of my business back then was referrals from previous customers.  This let me scale back how many shows I went to.

I had a good time making projects, but 2 or 3 BAD customers really put a bad taste in my mouth with the whole craft show thing.  One lady bought a $100 lamp, and damaged it before she even left the event, because she carried it around the whole time.  I ended up fixing it for her and later delivering it to her home when repairs were complete, and she still thought she deserved a discount because it broke.  Others routinely complain that prices are high, or that so and so sells for less.  I let it get to me too much, and changed my business model.  Folks know what I can do, and when the want something they see me. 

Hopefully you will have a great experience.  Don't be discourgaged if you have a sale where you don't sell anything.  Some days are hot, some cold.  Good luck, and remember, you're supposed to be having fun!

Offline MadHatter

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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2010, 09:20:15 pm »
thanks for your tips. im already geared up and excited and the show isnt for 6 mos yet lol.  ;D

Offline jimbo

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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 03:25:01 am »
Hi there, I have been doing craft fairs for 7 years now and have found they are very good for selling your hobby crafts, I have only started scrolling but have been doing woodturning as a hobby since I retired.
For fairs I have a basic range and also try to have some thing new each season, I work on stall charges of 10% so if I pay $100 for a sight I expect to take $1000 for the day, it does not always work out but those are the breaks.
Pricing is done on a cost basis material, wood,time and swings and round abouts, for instance for 2 years I gathered pine cones cut them in half and sold them for $2 that is $4 a cone, a good profit, I also 100's of door stoppers at $5 each my mates say they are to cheap but they bring in the $$$ and they get people to your stand.
always talk to your customers, most are very chatty and like to know where you get the wood and and marerials, in New Zealand people like recycled wood, of which I maily use for my smaller projects and this is a good selling point.
These are only a few points to fairs, and by the way don't be shy talk to your next door neighber at the fair.
Hope this of some help.
Jimbo from down under

, f   

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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 09:44:45 am »
do you have some pics of your door stoppers?  Perhaps of your booth.

Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.

Offline MadHatter

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Re: Arts & Craft Shows/Flea Market Experiences Or Tips
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2010, 07:46:38 pm »
thanks jimbo for your tips, I'll keep those in mind. would also like to see your door stoppers.

thanks again.


