Rat at Seyco sells a metal filter and a bottle of dust adhesive. Put it on the intake side of a 20" box fan. I use one next to my winter sanding station and it gets virtually all the dust. Will also work with the saw. With sanding there will be a lot of dust on the filter, and none on the fan blade or rear grill, so it is effective. Wash it off, let the metal filter dry, spray it with the dust adhesive and you are good to go.
Paper and fiber filters also work, but most are not cleanable like the metal.
Got a 20" box fan at WalMart for $10 in late September.
Net of everything, a fan and filter material will really reduce the dust issue when used in close proximity to the dust source. Doesn't matter if it is a spendy dedicated dust collection system or a simple fan and filter, as long as it is moving a lot of dusty air thru the filter before it spreads out thru the whole room.