Author Topic: Pattern Making Software  (Read 763 times)


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Pattern Making Software
« on: September 17, 2010, 07:46:10 am »
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this question but if it is not, I hope someone would tell me.

I'm experimenting with 2 different routines to create templates.
1. Coyote Stencil Shop
2. Gimp-2

Since most of you use Coyote Stencil Shop, I will use that in my example. In a different thread, someone made me a template of my dog. The end result turned out rather good for my first fret. I'm trying to duplicate that template by doing it on my own.

When I do the "Fallout Preview", I get some areas in Black, Red, and Yellow. I am having a problem grabbing the concepts of how I need to change the template and what, if any color in the preview I am trying to minimize.

Other than the Coyote User Guide, are there any other documents for "thick-headed-Italians" like me, to learn this tool?



