Author Topic: Stencilfy Web Site  (Read 3239 times)

Offline ArgyleBill

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Stencilfy Web Site
« on: December 09, 2022, 10:40:38 am »
Steve talked about the Stencify Web Site today on his blog. He mentioned: "The app is not perfect. There are some fonts that it gets wrong but it is still handy for many projects. Keep in mind that it does not convert the complete font to a stencil font. It simply edited the words you enter."
After you have download the SVG file, Don't be alarmed if some of the characters are  solid black, it just happens sometimes, a little error somewhere in their programing. But here is what I did using Inkscape 2.
here is Stencil-Righteous font in All Lower Case after being Stencify, see Stencil-Righteous-Lower-Case before editing in Inkscape.png file is attached.
To fix all of the solid black letters, do this:
Select all, using "CRTL A" or by clicking & dragging cursor around the letters.
Hold down CTRL key
Click on the RED X, in the lower left corner of the screen. This is next to where the Fill & Stroke area is located.
Once done all of the letters now has a BLACK OUTLINE with NO COLOR is in the FILL AREA.
Save the again.

I have enjoyed sending different fonts to be Stencilfy. I used all 26 letters, both Caps & none Caps. Will do the Numbers 0 thru 9 next for each font used.

Thanks Steve for the news abot Stencify at

Bill in Van Alystne, Texas


