Author Topic: RE: The Blind Man in the Store...GB's Commentary.....  (Read 540 times)

Offline GrayBeard

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RE: The Blind Man in the Store...GB's Commentary.....
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:13:20 am »
If you were in any way offended by that anecdote I urge you to read this!

I spent 16 years as a 'reader' for a radio station that broadcast on a FM frequency accessible only by specific radios which were supplied to blind and other 'print handicapped' individuals, i.e, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke patients, etc.
Every Tuesday and Friday evening my time slot was the "Daily Post-Dispatch" local newspaper (7:00 to 9:00 p.m.) wherein we read the newspaper articles, editorials, sports, obituaries, gossip columns, etc. No editorializing or commentary just straight read the news.
Other programs involved reading magazines, newspaper 'ad' sections, books, special guest interviews, etc.
After the "newspaper" slot was a call-in segment "Talk Back" which was on from 9:00 to 11:00 (sign off). Often I was asked by the station manager, a blind man, to stay over and sit in for "Talk Back". This was a wide open segment where no subject was taboo and some of my fondest memories and funniest situations occurred while 'talking' with the listeners live on-the-air. Many of the listeners became my personal friends over the years.
That period of my life was probably the most personally fulfilling and educational.
You have to really spend time with others to understand them and if you have never spent time and really gotten to know 'handicapped' people you will never know how wonderful and really "normal" they are because you have never seen life from their viewpoint.
Those who have accepted their handicaps and learned to live to THEIR potential are not at all self conscious or defensive.
Case in point...when taking leave of you almost to a person they would all say, Hey, see ya later!". I kept pondering this phenomena and finally one night I brought it up on the air. The switchboard lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree and the consensus was "We see you in our own way"!
The greatest lesson I learned from my blind friends was that they are blind but not stupid or helpless. They know when to ask for help and are not afraid to ask!
So for the rest of my life I have adopted their basic concept...If we need help we will ask you and don't be afraid or ashamed to tell us you don't know how to help! Ask us what we need and we will gladly and pleasantly tell you.
If you see a blind person at an intersection the first thought is "I'll take them by the arm and help them." WRONG! Ask them if THEY would like your assistance and how can you help.

And believe it ...they can be hilarious even about their situations!

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: RE: The Blind Man in the Store...GB's Commentary.....
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 10:42:22 am »
You are quite right there GB. I have a friend who is blind and have a lot of laughs with him. There is one thing he told me and I hope I can bring the translation across. Here a guide dog is called"blinde geleide hond" Directly translated is blind guide dog. So when somebody said to him , I see you have a blind guide dog he answered I sure don't hope so, for then I am really in trouble, I hope they gave me a dog that can see.


