G’day All,Well its been an up and down battle in the workshop over the last few months, I’ve sat there at times looking at all my power tools and running ideas through me head on how I can make things a little safer to use so that I don’t get my trembling hands tangled up in places where ones hand/hands should not normally be.
The main problem is I have to use the power tool/tools to create my safety jigs with so that I can use that power tool safer, sounds crazy but I’ve got several jigs on the go at present and only work on them when my trembling hands are not too bad.
I have finished one jig that I hope is going to allow me to mix my paint, thinners and cleaners for my airbrush. As you can see from the image it is quite a simple set up made from 16mm and 12mm ply and the hole is 60mm in diam. While I aint used it yet I’m confident I can get my mixtures into my small plastic bottles without shakin’ the contents all over the place.
As the paint quantities used in me airbrush are quite small the bottles I use are only 100mm and 250mm, thus the days of being able to pour my paint into them easily are now gone I hope this is gunna work. Plus I buy my paints now in 250mm pots and it will be a case of taking the lid off and placing it upside down in the funnel and gettin' it all into the bottle rather than down the sides. So when I get a reasonable tremble free day I'm gunna get to and put me creation into practice.
I guess many of you maybe wondering what my airbrushing skills are like with the PD tremors, at this stage pretty darn messy but I'm workin' on that side of things.