My wife works at a school. She showed the art teacher some of my work and some of the intarsia projects. He was pretty impressed, especially when he found out I have only been working on a scroll saw for less than 3 years. Then came the good news. He also works on a scroll saw and has a shop at his house. Recently a friend of his offered to give him an almost new scroll saw. She does not know what kind, only that it is worth about $600. He told her he will get it and sell it to her for $20. He was looking for more, but he knows I am unemployed and he loved my work. So soon....I will have a new scroll saw. I couldn't believe it.
I have an update to this. Today he told my wife that he is giving it to me free. I should have it in about a week from now. He is also interested in meeting me and maybe getting together for some work on a project or two.