Author Topic: Scrolling MDF  (Read 3894 times)

Offline Toneman

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Scrolling MDF
« on: September 08, 2014, 12:24:46 am »
Well, I am sure this topic has been discussed before, but, I have not found all the information I desire. A friend asked me to cut some wood figures for her to attach to doors and to make wall decorations. She has been ordering on line and paying a good price plus shipping. The items are mostly made from MDF. I told her I use mostly Baltic Birch and would price the items using that wood. Well, the price was too much, compared to MDF. I have never used MDF, so, could ya'll please tell me how it cuts and if the dust is really bad?


Blue Peeps

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 04:11:01 am »

I've never scrolled it (I've used it for other things, however) but I have heard that it does generate an extreme amount of dust, and that the dust is rather toxic, so I would definitely wear a mask when working with it.

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 05:18:36 am »
I just finished cutting some 3/4" MDF this weekend. I used a #9 reverse-tooth PGT blade and it was very easy to cut. I think because of all the glue/chemicals in the MDF you would need a little bit larger blade than you are typically used to using with birch plywood of the same thickness. You can experiment and see.

It really does cut nice, although depending on the grade, the edges are a bit rougher. But they are not too bad - more of what I would call 'textured' than really rough. It was certainly acceptable for my purposes, which was painting. 

The dust is really a bit worse.  Very fine dust at that. Be sure to wear a mask when cutting it - especially If you are cutting a larger quantity of items.

Bottom line, I don't mind using it at all (or cutting it for that matter) - but I do so with the understanding that it will be a bit slower going and a little messier. I just vacuum more frequently and take my time.

Have a good day!  Sheila
Sheila A. Bergner-Landry
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Offline Toneman

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 09:54:10 am »
Thank you Sheila for your response. I know you do a lot of production scrolling and the information about MDF would be valid enough for me to make a decision to give it a try, and as advised by Blue Peeps, I will wear a respirator.


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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2014, 10:01:12 am »
Yes - a respirator is something I would highly recommend when cutting MDF.  Please let us know how you like it after you try. :)

Sheila A. Bergner-Landry
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Offline daveo

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 11:50:15 am »
I cut MDF every day and in large quantities, and yes it is very messy, I combat this by having a large dust extractor running full bore (twin motor) from the under side of the table drawing the dust out of the shop to an ajoining building, and also have a fine air filter running just above and behind the machine, between the two of them they create around 40 air changes an hour within the shop but still I have to vacuum at the end of every day, so yes a good mask is a must.
That said I cant quite understand why you would be to far out on price, yes birch ply is twice the price of MDF, but unit for unit its only really pennies
so my thinking is two things, firstly are you sure you aren't up against one of the production cutters (like me) who can throw this stuff out at a great rate of knots. Or even if the MDF is quite thin say 1/2" downwards you could be trying to compete against one of the laser cutters, and if its the latter then you have little to no chance of competing unless you can convince your customer that your product is much easier to paint as it has no burnt edges.
Just a thought

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2014, 12:40:43 pm »
Unless these images are the size of the door, the material cost should be tiny compared to the labor cost, so BB Ply should not add much compared to MDF. If she's getting stamped characters from a factory I'd doubt you could compete. Maybe she could go to you for more one-off custom cuttings that she can't get on-line. 
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Offline Toneman

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Re: Scrolling MDF
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2014, 11:14:50 pm »
Thanks guys for your input. Yes, I am sure what she is buying is stamped cut or laser cut items. An example is the outline of the state of Texas 19" x 19"and it is MDF and she pays $12.00 plus shipping. The material MDF would cost me $4.00 and I figure 20 minutes on the saw plus gluing the pattern she provides. The Baltic Birch would be around $10.00, so, that is out. So, I can charge her $12.00 for the piece using MDF and save her shipping. The electricity and Bud Light; I would have to leave off the budget.LOL



