I wonder if it had some different type of glue in it. If you use a blade that gives less than one tooth in the thickness of the board you will get a lot of chatter as the blade contacts and releases. But if the thin layer of glue is very hard, and the poplar is soft, then you might be seeing the same thing as the tooth contacts and releases the glue layer. just a thought...
Hi Marg
Think Ray has a good point,
I use different types of ply and in different sizes, but I think the type of glue does matter.
the effect gets worse if you stack two or three layers....
but to be honest I check things first myself, because I did things wrong
- isn't the blade mounted upside down?
- try an other new blade from a different dozen, (I've had more then one bad blades in a bundle)
- is the blade tension OK?
- no suspicious sounds from damaged or old bearings?
- if all is OK, I take a piece/blank of an other type plywood or hardwood and make a test cut and see it that goes well, then you know it's the wood.... but then again, you could try that first of course
good luck!