I read that band saw blow down, the jet model is nice but at a price, I have a bandsaw on my wish list now. Only thing it will being doing is resawing, if I can get one that will at least resaw 8 inch I can live with that but would like it to about 9 so when I resaw it will be about as wide as a piece of paper, was looking at the craftsman bansaw they have a nice 14 inch for 404, but do have a small units for half the cost, also what saw's can take a riser block? I was looking at the HF band saw alot said it was simaliar to grizzly saw but it was very hard to get parts for but its price of 359 is just under the craftsman, so may as well go with the craftsman, if I can pull it up going for a jet I like it but can you get riser blocks for a jet if it can take one, or wonder if can make one.