First, I have to apologize to all of my Canadian friends (and others who have sent me ornaments), but my son has a new favorite country.
This year as we were setting up the Christmas tree, my son helped me put the ornaments that I had gotten from exchanges in the past. He was amazed at all of the fun places that I have friends. (sorry Cherie, but British Columbia was way cooler the Missouri) My son was also amazed at the quality of ornaments that I have received "wow, these are really nice. Your's are ok but these are really nice"
For the last week or so, Canada has been The Location for all cool things. However, today in the mail I got the most beautiful ornaments from Marge in Australia. We had to have a little geography lesson, he was pretty much convinced that Australia had no electricity, food or mail. He was mixing up the African missionary from church with Australia. The Christmas card had a bunch of cool Australian animals that were fun to look at. Once we got that figured out we could really look at the ornaments. There was even a cool ruler with different Australian woods. Noah was really confused about the ruler, there are no inches on it just millimeters.
Needless to say, Noah has a new favorite country for a while. I will post a picture when I can get the photo re-sized on my computer.
Thanks so much!!!