Easy to make from 1/8 inch masonite, these are glued ( by chaulk) to the window in my shop. The silhouette is painted black and a spray coating of varnish is applied to make them easier to clean.
You may recognise the scrollsawer with the dog, that is from Steve Goods patterns.
The other pattern is an old scrollsaw..
My grandfather had one of those old scrollsaws, except it had the metal tractor seat and pedals like a bicycle.
This was my first power tool to us. I had the important task of cutting his scrap into smaller scrap wood.
You know the old scrollsaw has some features not found on some of today's saws.....
1. Variable speed---you could pedal faster or slower.
2. Variable torque---if you needed more force you pedaled standing up.
3. Flesh sensing technology---if your fingers hit the blade you stopped pedalling.