I've built a number of bases for my various power tools.
One in particular I call my sanding center. It supports my Oscillating Spindle Sander and my Combo Belt Sander/Disk Sander. In this table I'm going to install 8 drawers to hold all the abrasives. I'd like to inlay the product type in letters on the drawer front so the various drawers would say: Paper, Drums, Disks, Cloth (Carborundum) Screens, etc.
The Drawer front is 3/4" Pine roughly 5 1/2 by 14". I plan on stack cutting at about a 2 1/2 degree table tilt using walnut to inset into the pine. The question is what font and how big in points?
As an additional question I would like suggestions on how to inlay the centers of certain letters such as the "O" or an "e". Is this an inlay in the letter inlay?