Hi guys and gals,
today I was on the radio with my scroll saw!!
the radio station is doing a subject on " important sounds".
I send them an email and told them how great the sound of my scroll saw is.
so this morning at 07:20 they did a live broadcast from my basement with an interview.
approximately 4 minutes.
made her a key chain with her name, gave it to her live om the broadcast, she was overwhelmed! LOL
you can find the broadcasts here: (past 7 days)
http://www.omroepgelderland.nl/web/Uitzending-gemist-5/Radio/Afgelopen-7-dagen.htmif you choose the
0700-0800 part and go to 20 minutes. you cab hear it. (unfortunately in dutch...)
when she was ready, she was looking for the next sound for the 0820 item.
so she took the sound of
our " screaming" hamster. (also go to 20 min.)
on both recordings our birds made loud noises, so they came in the topic as well.
including interviewing me and my wife about the birds.
here's also two pictures, one of the reporter and one of her and my daughter on the hamster interview.