Author Topic: niece 21st  (Read 697 times)

Scroller Kev

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niece 21st
« on: November 28, 2012, 05:12:33 pm »
Hey Gang .

My lil sis has asked me to scroll something for her daughters 21st birthday. she says it might contain the word Becca or 21 , she has the wierd taste of old style french. i will leave this up to all you clever peeps out there.

thank you for just being here to help out. 
 Kev ;)

Old Crow

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Re: niece 21st
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 11:51:58 am »
Hi Kev, Here is one for you to consider. I figured that Marie Antoinette and Gigi font is probably "wierd taste of old french" enough. If you cut it I would love to see it.
Don R


