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Introduce Yourself. / Jim from Missouri
« Last post by JERUSK on December 19, 2023, 04:25:03 am »
Purchased an entry level scroll saw at the beginning of the year.  Practiced enough with it that I was comfortable making Christmas presents with it.  I am really enjoying this hobby and will probably  be looking to upgrade to a different saw in the upcoming year.
Introduce Yourself. / Jay from Alabama
« Last post by jfoster35620 on December 18, 2023, 09:40:35 am »
Good morning,
       I am from Alabama. I am just getting started scrolling. 
Intarsia / Creating the white coloring on an interstate pice
« Last post by keithmq on November 26, 2023, 09:19:55 am »
I have just started to dabble in intarsia. I find in both fascinating and beautiful. There are several patterns I have looked at that I would really like to try. I really enjoy Christmas and have a tendency to lean toward those patterns. Several I have looked at are ones with a Santa. The all have white beards. What do people use to achieve a white beard. I prefer to keep as much of the wood its natural color but it appears these pieces have been painted. From the examples the white seems to be somewhat muted but looks so natural with the other wood pieces. And help would be really appreciated
Pattern Requests. / aircreaft pattern
« Last post by ARVY1956 on November 20, 2023, 08:21:30 am »
I'm now looking for a scroll pattern for a Lockheed Constellation.  I've found models, but no scroll patterns.  An uncle flew one in Vietnam and my aunt was a stewardess for TWA in the 60s on those birds.  It would make a nice Christmas gift for them if I can find a good pattern; the more detailed the better, of course!
any suggestions?  thanks!
General Scroll Saw Talk / Unicorn Rocker 11/13/23
« Last post by KCSteve on November 13, 2023, 11:32:47 am »
Until Steve gets the link to the Unicorn Rocker pattern fixed those of you who want to download can do what I did - click on the Pattern Catalog link on the top bar and grab it from there.

Or just click here:
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: dewalt 788
« Last post by Sal G. on November 13, 2023, 07:28:02 am »
It sounds like the switch has intermittent issues,
Have you tried using a foot pedal to control the on off function.
Just a suggestion to try.
I have never had this issue, But I use a foot pedal to control the on/off function, Not the arm switch
General Scroll Saw Talk / Easy Lift for Dewalt 788
« Last post by Sal G. on November 13, 2023, 07:25:51 am »
I am looking to buy an EasyLift for the Dewalt 788
Amazon does not list it, I tried Jim Dandy and they state they are out of stock. Also went to Wildwood and can not locate.
Can some advice as to who I can contact to purchase the easy lift system
Thank you for your help
Ask Steve a question. / Subscription
« Last post by mapashurricane on November 05, 2023, 01:03:29 pm »
Hey Steve,
I all of a sudden dont receive your newsletters.  I have checked my spam folder and they're noit there.  I tried to re-subscribe but I am unable to enter a birth month and year.  Yet I can login here(?)  Would you check to see that I am still signed up for the letter, please?  I do enjoy getting them.  Thanks, and keep it up!
Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hello From South Carolina
« Last post by mbeedy2 on November 05, 2023, 08:02:35 am »
Thanks, Judy!!  :D
General Scroll Saw Talk / Seyco saw
« Last post by lee5155 on November 02, 2023, 04:38:57 pm »
Ok I just got a st-21 seyco saw how do adjust the blade so it is str. up and down front to back the blade leans forward ?
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