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General Scroll Saw Talk / inkscape help
« Last post by woodcutter on February 11, 2024, 02:36:58 pm »
I put in inkscape a drawing of a bird wing for whirligigs.  I used the Bezier tool first,  then Right click on the line of the  image. A box appears around the image. I  Click Duplicate and try to move the image below the first image and  the whole page moves downward. Don't know what i'm doing wrong. I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in Advance
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New scrolling problem for me.
« Last post by ddockstader on January 27, 2024, 03:17:00 pm »
Most likely culprit - sideways force. Inadvertently pushing the wood to the side, usually while making a turn. This bows the blade since both the top and the bottom are held in a straight line. Once you get a piece out, check that the sides are really straight with a good straight edge. This is my biggest problem with the scroll saw and I am constantly fighting it. I've taken to completely releasing the wood every 5 seconds or so to make sure I'm not pushing one side or the other. Unfortunately I don't have the automatic indicator that my wife and kids have - sticking my tongue out when I'm concentrating too hard. :)
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New scrolling problem for me.
« Last post by Judy Hunter on January 27, 2024, 09:24:35 am »
Are you using a different wood?Some woods create dust differently? Or is the wood Bone dry? The slightest bit of moisture can cause swelling just from
the blade movement.  Just my thoughts  ;D
General Scroll Saw Talk / New scrolling problem for me.
« Last post by on January 27, 2024, 08:02:29 am »
I have been scrolling for several years and dearly love the hobby. I have recently developed a problem that I can't figure out what is causing it. While cutting on thicker wood, 1 1/2", mainly numbers or letters, the piece will not fall thru from either side.  I have insured that the table is 90⁰ to the blade. I feel sure that it has something to do with force, but I make a conscious effort not to force the cut but the piece will not easily come out in either direction!  Using flying Dutchman #5 SR blade. Any suggestions or recommendations?
Introduce Yourself. / Re: Welcome
« Last post by Joe Wolfe on January 06, 2024, 09:46:36 am »
Greetings! I'm Joe Wolfe and I have been scrolling off and on since around 1995. After retiring in 2012 I have gotten more serious about the craft and thoroughly enjoy it. I am always looking to learn something new and challenge myself to get better at scrolling. I  look to build on scrolling by adding intarsia to the projects I wish to make.
      Two years ago I upgraded to a Seyco ST-21 after literally wearing out two entry level scroll saws. It has been a game changer for me.
      My thanks to Steve for starting this forum and for all he does to promote this art form. He is a wealth of knowledge and has made me a better scroller through his blog and YouTube videos. I am here to learn. I am also willing to help any newcomers to scrolling if I am able. Feel free to reach out to me. Happy Scrolling!!
Introduce Yourself. / Re: Jay from Alabama
« Last post by Judy Hunter on December 20, 2023, 09:23:41 am »
 ;D welcome to a great hobby/money maker/gift maker ;D Sweep up the sawdust and enjoy the fun.
Introduce Yourself. / Re: Jim from Missouri
« Last post by Judy Hunter on December 20, 2023, 09:21:11 am »
 ;D welcome aboard. sweep up the sawdust and enjoy the fun.
Introduce Yourself. / Jim from Missouri
« Last post by JERUSK on December 19, 2023, 04:25:03 am »
Purchased an entry level scroll saw at the beginning of the year.  Practiced enough with it that I was comfortable making Christmas presents with it.  I am really enjoying this hobby and will probably  be looking to upgrade to a different saw in the upcoming year.
Introduce Yourself. / Jay from Alabama
« Last post by jfoster35620 on December 18, 2023, 09:40:35 am »
Good morning,
       I am from Alabama. I am just getting started scrolling. 
Intarsia / Creating the white coloring on an interstate pice
« Last post by keithmq on November 26, 2023, 09:19:55 am »
I have just started to dabble in intarsia. I find in both fascinating and beautiful. There are several patterns I have looked at that I would really like to try. I really enjoy Christmas and have a tendency to lean toward those patterns. Several I have looked at are ones with a Santa. The all have white beards. What do people use to achieve a white beard. I prefer to keep as much of the wood its natural color but it appears these pieces have been painted. From the examples the white seems to be somewhat muted but looks so natural with the other wood pieces. And help would be really appreciated
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