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Messages - fixitcr63

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Re: New Members
« on: May 16, 2016, 11:00:03 am »
Hi gang,  OK, time to call the home and wake up all the old gals and fellers so they can crank up those DeWalt 788's and get to cuttin'.   I'm sort of new to this site, I remember registering at least a year ago, but don't remember any postings since the initial registration.  So, I guess this would be it.  I'm a lifelong woodworker: taught woodworking, leather carving and electrical science for the local 4-H club for over 20 years and my wife and I coached the local 4-H softball team.  Interest eventually drizzled down to nothing when we lost our meeting place along with the ground the ball-field was on.  The kids got older and not enough young kids came in to keep it going so we just let it close up. 
As for the scrollsawing, I went through three other units, each one a little better than the one before till I picked up this latest unit at an estate sale last year.  It's great, but I did notice the problem of the small button knob on the blade tightening end.   I got tired of that real quick and made something similar to your last entry, only I made mine just about twice the size of the actual knob on the machine, then cut out the hole for the knob.  It certainly cuts down on the amount of effort that it takes to loosen the upper blade end and retighten it.   I'm going to try one of the ones you made too, with the dowel handle to see which way I like better.    Till then, happy cutting boys and gals.    Corky

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