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Messages - OldWood

Pages: [1]
Pattern Requests. / Re: Problem with the Bat of Aug 15 '24
« on: September 14, 2024, 04:03:43 pm »
There is nothing like replying to your own post to admit that the error was your own!!  And found about a fortnight later when coming back to try and resolve the problem.

But as no one else has replied, that does suggest that no one active on this Forum has cut this pattern.

I generally have a good eye for something that does not align (squint pictures on a wall are one of my bugbears!!) and in retrospect I would have thought that I would have spotted that the two claws on the bat body are noticeably different in spacing from the head (10mm and 17mm, or near enough 3/8" and 5/8" for the US cousins).  I did assume, I have to admit, that the left and righthand sides of the body would be identical

So if you turn the bat body over it effectively lines up OK with the wing  -  doh and DOH again !!!

There is also the lack of consistency in the cutouts on the wings, but that is easily resolved if you wish to do so, by cutting out that section of the pattern from another print and aligning it correctly as ribs on the righthand wing.

Ask Steve a question. / Problem with the Bat of Aug 15 '24
« on: August 26, 2024, 04:43:53 am »
Hi Steve
I've downloaded a number of your projects over the years and have never had a misalignment though I am in the UK and am using A4 size paper.

The Bat however is not aligning in a number of places, and having looked more carefully at the outlines I think this might be a drawing problem.

In general the body does not align with the wings, the tail is not centre to the body (you can see that the curve on the RH side of the tail is not equal to that on the left), the shape of the upper wing 'fingers' do not match those on the body, and the cut outs on each wing are not in the same place - this last is not critical but you can see that on the left the cut-out structure aligns with the wing projections, but that on the right does not, nor does it align with the 'fingers' either.

I am trying to find a way to resolve these discrepancies, but feel it is better if I give feedback to see if the matter can be resolved.


Pattern Requests. / Problem with the Bat of Aug 15 '24
« on: August 25, 2024, 01:28:04 pm »
The body and the wings aren't aligning - has anybody else tried this and been successful and is it just my printer, or is there a problem?

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