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Messages - RED GUM

Pages: [1]
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Seeing blade during cut
« on: September 01, 2019, 02:53:26 am »
Hi Jimm. I have heard a lot about not seeing the line. I don't have that problem because I'm colour blind and just look at mark and cut to that. Not all is bad having a disability even though mine is extremely minor.


Introduce Yourself. / New menber
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:42:41 pm »
My introduction. User name Red Gum. I am Australian located at Orange about four hours west of Sydney in a rural area that is fast changing for the worst with to many people who have decided this is better than the overcrowded city. We have a very big gold mine just south of our city and it appears we will be getting more mines in our district.

I have been a wood worker for many years taking in wood turning, whittling etc and for the last fifteen years a scroller. I have had a number of scroll saws ranging from the cheap entry level saws through to my General come Excalibur 16 inch that I have fitted with Pegus clamps. I am very happy with this saw and have no intention changing although I would like to try a Hegna.

My work has been intarsia, fret work, boxes etc. I have settled down to fret work now because as the birthdays pass by I find this more to my liking. I have done many projects including the Eiffel Tower, clocks. boxes etc,etc.

I have been loging into to Steve's sight for a long time but only just now decided to register. Steve's information is a very good back up.

Unfortunately scroll work is only just getting momentum in Australia. We are a bit limited in the saws available due to our market being small and not attracting the main manufacturers. This coupled with our electricity being 240v and any thing imported has to have the power changed but we get on very well with the machines we have.

Looking forward to being a member.


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