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Messages - Skipcurt

Pages: [1]
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Blade plumb
« on: May 09, 2018, 06:35:01 pm »
Thanks DW! I've bookmarked that site for reference. It's not totally clear to me what I'm reading just yet but is the section "Setting up the saw for stack sawing" the correct info for front/back or top/bottom adjustment? It is aligned if I check the side of the blade but not from the back.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Blade plumb
« on: May 09, 2018, 02:18:11 pm »
Hi everyone! First official post here. I'm brand new to the scroll saw world so I will probably have lots of questions in the near future. This one will be about the vertical straightness (plumb or square) of the scroll saw blade. I just purchased a new Dewalt 788 and haven't done anything important with it yet but the other night I checked the blade with a mini square and it was dead on from the side but it was off from front to back. The top of the blade was more forward than the rear.
Is there a way to adjust that? Does it matter? I know it won't really matter much for thin material but it definitely should for thicker.


Introduce Yourself. / Hello folks!
« on: May 09, 2018, 02:11:15 pm »
Hi all! Just signed up and looking forward to getting lots of knowledge.


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