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Messages - ddb29340

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Hello from South Carolina
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:29:24 am »
Hello Mr. Good and everybody!  Im a 64 y.o. retiree & l
used to have a scrollsaw about 15 years ago or so.
It was a 16 inch Delta variable speed from Lowe's.
I enjoyed it pretty good, so recently l acquired another
Delta...a older 15" single
speed.  I'm liking it pretty good, too, except it doesn't
have a sawdust blower.  I read somewhere that somebody
used an aquarium pump with good results, so l figured
I'd try it.  Anyway l just figgered l'd pop in and introduce
myself!  I live in Spartanburg, SC...anybody else live here?
Thanks for having me!!!

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