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General Scroll Saw Talk / Seyco Blade Tension Issue
« on: February 09, 2019, 08:47:36 pm »
Hello All,

I have had my ST-21 for about a year now and having a major issue where mid cut, the knob on top in the back of the saw will start loosening my blade tension.  I will hear a click from that area and if I  leave the saw running, I will see the knob start to spin counter-clockwise which lowers the upper arm and thereby loosens the blade tension.  I was told in the past it could be that I  have overtightened the thumbscrew and caused the blade chuck  to splay out and therefore the blade starts to slide and loosens the tension.   I have replaced the chuck twice now.  Once with a Seyco chuck and now with the new Pegas chucks.   Same issue.   I have made sure that I  scuff up the set screws to make sure they are getting a good grab on the blade.   I now know the blade is not slipping in the chuck as I left some of the blade below the chuck so I could feel it.  I  am a top  feeder so I did this on the bottom  chuck.   If the bottom chuck was loosening the blade should recede  into the chuck.   It isn't.  Same amount is still  sticking out once the back knob spins.   It is to a point that nearly every new hole, I have to clamp everything down.....apply tension........and then mid cut I have to stop and reach back to the knob to tighten it back up.   I should not have to do that.  I have had to put multiple pieces of tape on the knob so I know where to turn it back to.   The single white line isn;t enough.

Sorry for the word wall.  Any insights?   

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