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Messages - Dave Spitz

Pages: [1]
Ask Steve a question. / Mailman/person pattern
« on: August 05, 2019, 10:58:04 pm »

I have a great mailman that goes out of his way to deliver packages to my house.
I’ve been try to find a pattern to cut to thank him with no luck.  Wondering if
You could make one sometime.   Thanks for all you do.  Hope to meet you
someday at the Midwest convention in Dubuque.  Our daughter lives near there.



Ask Steve a question. / Re: Planing Boards
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:23:52 pm »
Hey Wooden Lace

Thanks for the reply.   I'm going to start buy my wood online.   Steve has mentioned a couple of places that are reliable.   I really enjoy
his website.

Thanks again


Ask Steve a question. / Planing Boards
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:24:49 pm »
Steve or Anyone....

Wondering if anyone is having the same problem I am having with planing down perfectly flat 3/4" boards to 1/4 or 1/2" and having them warp after?   I am having it happen to soft woods like pine and even oak boards.  My neighbor has a great planer (very old) and is willing to plane anything I need for my scrolling projects, but almost always the boards warp.   

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