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Messages - Rapid Roger

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The Coffee Shop / Re: 40 years of Marriage!
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:19:45 pm »
As I have often said before, "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it."


The Coffee Shop / Re: The Land That Made Me, Me.
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:35:49 pm »
In my mind, that was just yesterday.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Planer Mess
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:37:40 am »
I have a DeWalt DW735 planer and it REALLY kicks out the chips!! I tried several ways to corral the mess but nothing really worked until I bought a dust collector.
The difference is AMAZING! I thought about hooking up my shop vac but, the instruction book said not to do that as the planer would just clog up the vac hose.
Dust collectors are not cheap but, I really don't think anything else is going to do the job very well. Especially inside the basement.
I do my planing in the garage and now, with the dust collector, you cant even tell that I have used the planer when I'm done.
I have a fairly small Jet dust collector, not sure of the part number. (E171548?)


The Coffee Shop / Re: Proud to be a Senior Citizen
« on: July 25, 2011, 10:10:50 am »
I'm very proud to be a senior citizen as well.  I've gained a lot of knowledge and experience over the years, but every time I try to share some with my sons they say "Oh Dad" and won't listen, so I guess they'll have to learn the hard

When my son reached the age of 16 I became so dumb that it was a wonder that I could walk and chew gum at the same time.   :P :-\ :-[
He went off to college when he turned 18 and came home a few times a year. By the time he graduated at the age of 22, it was truly amazing how much I had learned in such a short time!!  ;) ;D :o ::)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Anyone ever hear of Anker blades?
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:42:24 pm »
I have a question.
Would it be possible to hold a knife sharpening stone to the right side of the blade and run the saw for a few strokes to get rid of the burr so that it would track better?
I have never tried this, it was just a thought I had.
It would be more time consuming and I'm sure only the most concerned people would even care.
As I said, it was just a thought.


Around the end of October or Novemer you should find "Cooler weather" just outside your front door.  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Proud to be a Senior Citizen
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:24:10 pm »
Can't say that I'm "PROUD" to be a senior citizen but, I are one.
I agree with your listing of all the "BAD" things we are blamed for.
Just remember, or I should say, "REMIND" the younger people that with any luck at all they too will be "SENIOR CITIZENS"  some day.


Pattern Requests. / Re: New Patterns
« on: July 22, 2011, 11:31:26 am »
I was wondering if anyone would have any patterns they would like to share.  I can not draw a straight line with a ruler.  Thank you in advance.


You don't need to draw a straight line....With or without a ruler. Straight lines are harder to cut on a scroll saw anyway.
Find a picture or subject you are interested in and if it is on paper, trace it as close as you can to make your own patterns.
Start thinking "Outside The Lines"....Get creative and make your own patterns and projects. Copying someone else's work is just copying no matter how you cut it. (pun  intended) Remember....."The Sky is the Limit IN ANY ART".


The Coffee Shop / Re: WANTED! really good ScrollSaw blades
« on: July 22, 2011, 11:14:10 am »
I'm not sure there is a "BEST" blade. It is all a matter of what you get used to and practice, practice, practice.
If you go to the home page of "Scrollsaw Workshop", there is a place called "Scrolling School" or something like that. It is a series of videos by Steve Good and the first two are about scrolling saw blades. Those videos will give you more information in 10 minutes of watching them than can possably be posted here in four days.
Just my $0.02 worth.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Cypress
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:06:26 am »
Shellac is food safe. They coat candy and pills with it. And it is very easy to use and fast drying.


Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Toot's
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:28:04 am »
Just in case anyone missed it, Steve Good has started posting videos on "Getting Started" in scrolling.
The first two are on blades and blade selection. They are VERY WELL done. He goes into such detail that if you still have questions, you weren't watching and listening so go back and watch them again.
I can't say that "I" learned allot but, I've been scrolling for 9 or 10 years and have learned all this information the "HARD WAY". But, I'm sure that there will be some things in future videos that will help me along in various areas.
If you are a "Newbie" as they say, you need to get started watching these "toots" ASAP!!! They will answer allot of questions before you even think to ask them.


The orignal designer could have used some help too!  ;) ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Blades
« on: July 16, 2011, 05:40:36 pm »
I would like to tell you that is about the way I got my heat gun/hair dryer but the truth be known.......
My wife's hair dryer went on the fritz and wouldn't work so she went and bought another one. When I found the old one in the trash (being cheap) dug it out and took it apart and found a loose wire that was causing the problem.  ;)
I was using it in the shop one day when she came in and ask where I had gotten it. When I told her what I had done of course she wanted to know why I hadden't fixed it for her!!!!!!  :'(

You didn't ask.  ;D  ::)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Blades
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:18:58 am »
No heat gun and the Boss would frown on my using her hair dryer.  :o :o
What ever works best for you!

Well DOH!!!!! Go buy her a newer, better hair dryer and ask for a trade in on the old one. Then we have TWO happy people and you might even get your favorite supper and a big smooch to boot!


The Coffee Shop / Re: waterproofing cedar????
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:48:34 am »
 I built a wind mill for our back yard out of what Lowe's calls cedar. It is really fir/cedar for fencing.
My first one, I did not finish at all and it lasted 4 or 5 years until the wind took it down for the last time this spring.
 My second one (at the request of my wife) I put a coat of shellac on and it is keeping the color better. I know it will not last but, I really like the silver/grey color better anyway. It will split as it dries out as well as change color but, I anchored this one down much better to fight the Kansas winds.  ;D


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