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Messages - Jim Finn

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Brag Forum / Fireplace bellows with inlay.
« on: September 25, 2016, 04:07:20 pm »
Over the past 30+ years I have made over fifty fireplace bellows. This is how I got started in woodworking. At first I carved images into the bellows front and then moved to using tooled leather images and finally a few years ago I started doing inlay on them. I do not make many any more because there is not much of a market for them, These are decorative and functional fireplace bellows made of cedar, in this case, with maple inlay..It measures 15" end to end. The brass nozzle is made using a 30-30 shell.
 I turn the whole bellows in a lathe to form the handle and the nozzle ends. I purchase the leather used in this at Tandy.
 This bellows was made to order.

Brag Forum / Re: Rounded sides on small cedar box
« on: September 24, 2016, 02:17:36 pm »
Sold two of them today for 25% more than my other boxes sell for.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Football
« on: September 23, 2016, 08:28:27 pm »
That is COLD!

The Coffee Shop / Re: POLITICAL SPIN
« on: September 23, 2016, 08:26:35 pm »
Good one!

Brag Forum / Rounded sides on small cedar box
« on: September 22, 2016, 09:11:53 am »
I saw a video on line showing how to make this box with rounded sides and lineal inlay all around the four sides of the box. Mine is a little different than the one in the video but that video gave me the idea for this project. This box measures 6"x8"x2" deep. I put a Magnolia blossom inlay in the hinged lid but a plain top would also look nice. The lineal inlay all around the rounded sides is 1/16" poplar. The box is made of eastern red cedar and is flocked on the inside. The magnolia blossom inlay includes Poplar (leaves) Maple and Bois'darc. I used a wipe on poly for the finish. Lots of extra steps in making this. Fun to make, but I am not sure it is worth the effort as an item to sell.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Perfect analysis
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:27:15 pm »
Yes Perfect analysis!  Less government=better results.

Toy Makers / Re: More small toys
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:53:29 pm »
I have started making the dinosaur with fixed, not movable, legs. (I just glued them in place.)  Easier to make and I made them a little smaller also.

Toy Makers / Re: Cars for charity
« on: September 07, 2016, 08:31:16 pm »
Good for you.  Our club does the same thing.

Brag Forum / Re: Magnolia blossom inlay
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:18:08 pm »
I use the "double bevel inlay" method witch requires the inlaid wood to be cut to fit all the sway through the background wood.

Brag Forum / Re: Magnolia blossom inlay
« on: August 26, 2016, 09:59:58 pm »
Thank you all for the kind words.

      I was correct in thinking that I should make more than the one that was ordered.  I made five and now only have one left.  The lady that made the initial order liked it so much that she bought two more of them from me and I sold one other  to a friend.  Now I have only one left to offer at the sale tomorrow.  Well, now I know what project I will be starting on Monday.

Brag Forum / Magnolia blossom inlay
« on: August 20, 2016, 07:57:13 pm »
One of my customers requested that I make a box for them with a magnolia blossom inlaid into the lid. This is what I came up with. I made five of them because I like it and think others may like it also. I got the image through an image search on the web. Flower is made of maple and Bois'darc and leaves of poplar. Box lid is made of eastern red cedar. (aromatic)

Toy Makers / Re: Toys for Childrens hospitals.
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:03:18 am »
I cut the sides to 3/8" thickness after planning smooth from a 2x4.  I then cut these strips at 45° angle and glue them together with white glue.  I use masking tape and rubber bands to hold this frame together as the glue dries.  I then glue, to the top and bottom of this frame, 1/4" -1/8" plywood or Masonite paneling.  I cut off the excess in my band saw and sand smooth and round corners in my stationary belt sander.  I then cut off the lid (about 5/8"-3/4") sand that cut surface, and apply the surface mounted hinges.  I use 3/4" long hinges but 1/2" would also work I think.  I use #2 screws Brass plated Philips head 1/4" long.  I place a spacer that is the thickness of two business cards, between the lid and the box, beside the hinges as I mount them so that the front of the box lid touches before the back , hinge side, pinches. I get my hinges and screws here:

 (I see that home depot has this paneling for $12  per four by eight feet sheet and plain 1/8" Masonite for $9 a sheet).

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Jet Scroll Saw
« on: August 13, 2016, 07:37:04 am »
I have a jet scroll saw that was made in 1988  I paid $15 for it and have been using it every day for four years now.  Single speed 15"

Toy Makers / Re: Toys for Childrens hospitals.
« on: August 12, 2016, 02:48:04 pm »
I get some free 2x4s from construction sites but mostly I get them from Home Depot on their 70% off cart.  I just plane the 2x4s smooth on both sides and then rip off 3/8" strips (by 1 3/8") to make the sides of these boxes.  I use a 24 teeth blade in my table saw that leaves zero saw marks so there is little sanding required.

Toy Makers / Toys for Childrens hospitals.
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:51:26 am »
Our woodworkers club makes over 5200 toys each year that we donate to two local children’s hospitals and to the Ronald McDonald house and The Salvation Army. Mostly cars and trucks and some animal figures. Mostly for toddlers. I thought to make some for older kids that could use it in their hospital bed. This is an unfinished box made of 1/4” plywood and ripped 2×4s. Masonite or paneling will also work. I made it 7” x 10 1/2” O.D. to fit one half of a standard sheet of printer paper on which I printed suitable images to be colored by the kids. Included is a box of crayons that I purchased at Walmart for 25 cents for a box of 24 colors. ( I bought one hundred of them) I have made 30 boxes so far and in each, along with the crayons, I put sixteen 1/2 sheets to color. Printed them on both sides using my laser printer giving them 32 various images to color. The child will be able to color the pages with hinged lid closed and use the box as a small tablet on their lap.
Total cost of materials is $1.17 for wood, hinges, paper and crayons. Fun to make.

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