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Messages - Gabby

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Very good message one we can all take to heart. Not everyone wants or needs one of our pieces of designer firewood. LOL
Merry Christmas to all!

The Coffee Shop / Re: A fun to watch helicopter pilot
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:53:22 am »
Up here the visibility is often like that in the winter months and it is usually acompanied by light precipitation a mist or light rain. Obviously they are making "hay while the sun shines" They need to get those trees on the semi's so they will get to the tree lots in time to sell and while they are still fresh. No one wants a dead dried out tree.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: A different way to sand small parts.
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:27:29 am »
Another sanding trick, tack or glue a couple strips at 90 degree angle to each other out of thinner material than you will be sanding to a board or your table top, (Your call) then when you lay the part being sanded on there and hook up your palm sander of choice and go at it, the part can't scoot away from you and is totally supported helping to prevent breakage.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Tight turn tip from Terry
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:17:28 am »
I guess a little update is called for, as most of you know I was out of action for most of 2012 and only got to cut 1 plaque that year, that cool totem wolf plaque I have hanging in my "Library"   ::)
So I was able to tackle a lot more this year and LOW AND BEHOLD I'm starting to make those smooth spins withough thinking about it too much. I guess I just needed the "rest"! LOL I won't tell you how many blades I broke though.
So the crux of what I'm saying is to those new comers to scrolling just have patience and keep at it and don't be afraid to ask those "dumb" questions we've asked before, and I am sure some "oldtimer" will step up and confuse you with an explanation and someone else will confuse you even more and finally someone will say it in such a way that it will sink in. So old timers keep explaining it and newbies keep asking.
That is what this forum is all about. Folks helping one another and giving a little moral support now and then.
None of us started out being perfect with the first cut!
None of us ARE perfect!

The Coffee Shop / Re: 3 thinks you need to watch out for when driving
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:00:57 am »
Hi Gabby.  Why didn't you tell me this years ago ??   Maybe there would have been hope.  Too late now.
 :(     :(      :(

LOL Better late than never!

The Coffee Shop / Re: 3 thinks you need to watch out for when driving
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:29:55 am »

Notice how MSN couldn't wait to tell how he had been fired for such a naughty mistake.
What a bunch of cr4p.
I think you need to find better reading Jerry that stuff will scramble yer brains.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Fake e-mail we received
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:18:38 am »
I'm so glad that I have a whole house Generator ;D

That's so you don't have to talke to each other right?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Brag Forum / Re: Friends and Ammo
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:15:50 am »
...and the dusk falls on Gabby until the next dawning.  See you around Gabby.

Fortunately for me so far it dawns every day still.  ;D ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Color Blindness Test (Not a joke)
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:04:41 am »
I got a 30 the first time.  I then enlarged the screen a couple of times (ctrl +) and then I score a 14 - much better!


UH Karl 14 is better than 30????????
Maybe you meant 140, right?

The Coffee Shop / Re: Fake e-mail we received
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:01:14 am »
Don't even own a cell phone, boy you should hear the fights we have!!!!  ;) ;D :o    LOL

I have to modify this post after being without phone service for over a week, my wife has consented to join the 21st. century, (kicking and screaming I might add) and we now have a cell phone for "Emergency" use or for when she travels to dog shows. I'm getting more anxious all the time when she's on the road alone. She'll be the big 80 next June and after her heart attack last Christmas, I do worry about her. Now if she will just get used to carrying the darned thing!

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: A different way to sand small parts.
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:44:21 am »
I keep forgetting how good a cleaner spit is, Mom always washed my face with it, did you ever wonder where the term "Spit Bath" came from?
Well now you know!
It will dissolve nearly every organic material you can think of. Funny I never thought of using it on blood.

I've also noticed that the different brands of painters tape have different strengths some will really pull the splinters up and others not so much, I guess I need to see which ones I have and report back here.

Well I have to report that my Scotch brand 3M blue painters tape will pull more than fibers it will even pull some of the grain up from clear pine, I did a bunch of sanding and still can't get all of it smoothed over but fortunately it isn't noticeable in the photo of the Friends and Ammo plaque. It sticks way tighter than regular masking tape does. I'd recommend caution using it on delicate cuttings. As a matter of fact I'd suggest something much gentler!

Brag Forum / Friends and Ammo
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:15:50 am »
Well I'm wrapping up my season of plaque cutting by making a thank you gift for a new friend from the SR. Ctr.
He's another gun lover and firearms instructor, who dropped by when I was taking my new pistol out for its maiden test drive.  ;D Could have tapped me over with a feather when he produced a box of shells to contribute to my small store.
I especially appreciated his pointers which helped shrink my lousy groups down to a manageable size, but I hope to improve on it more when I get used to the new gun. I'm convinced it's going to be a good-un.
If you are interested it's a Ruger SR9 compact, you can get all the particulars with a simple search. So I won't bore you to tears by describing it in great detail here!  ::) ::)
So go to the Gallery to see the latest addition of my "work".
Criticisms welcome along with great cheers of joy!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
The winter is coming soon and my carport is no longer comfortable so this does it for this year.
Now if you guys would fill up a top hat with $100 bills I could build a small shop with hot and cold running redheads, forget the cold ones. LOL air conditioned and heated so I could cut all year like you civilized cutters do. Aw never mind I'd rather come on here and stir things up with that broken down highway man horse thief in Scotch land. Did I get that spelled right that's where the Scotch is from isn't it? LOLOL
Y'all take care now,
Laughing and giggling into the sunset...........

The Coffee Shop / Terry Fator
« on: October 31, 2013, 02:27:51 am »
Hopefully this link will work.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Great Show & Chemo
« on: October 30, 2013, 11:29:03 pm »
Still loving you darlin'!
Get better soon!
Lets keep this thread going people Judy needs our support everyday not just now and then.

The Coffee Shop / Re: 2 Boys
« on: October 30, 2013, 11:21:36 pm »
Must have hurt ol' Roys feelings, he had nothing to say.  ;D

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