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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 112
Brag Forum / Wheel Barrow Continuation....
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:27:53 am »
Sorry bout this .... but sometimes I just can't get my picture to go thru. 
Anyway I resized it.  Maybe its to small.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / My Finished Wheel Barrows.... Yea!
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:15:14 am »
Well if I do say so I feel this project really came out Good.  Pictures just are not
like holding the real thing.  Might need a better camera.  Oh well they be lookable.
The unfinished one you all have viewed.   Used a Danish Oil Golden Oak and 4 coats of good ole Lacquer/gloss.  Upward n Onward I into cutting Crosses now.  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Intarsia
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:39:34 am »
I have been told by The Best that normally you use 3/4" stock. 
                  You might ask Intarsia92 as He Is The Best ....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Different Material
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:34:46 pm »
This is really Amazing Mike....A big Wow! from me.  Took a view at your website and I will say this is my first with seeing what looks like a Scroll project and being told it was cut out of PAPER.  Is there a demand for this type portraits?  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: dog intarsia
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:29:57 pm »
Now that is a Great job there.  Like another person said.  Looking at the pic and the finished Intarsia the difference is minimal.  Good job....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Inkscape Problem....?....
« on: December 01, 2012, 02:04:33 pm »
This just started happening withing the last month.

Open Inkscape....File....Open....Click on pattern.  On the screen will be a box
that says....jpeg GDK pixbuf input.  Has a choice to click either EMBED or LINK.
Have clicked on both....Within seconds the pattern pops up....
Pattern is there with the lil handles showing.  I go up and click on INCHES.
Lately the Width and Heigth shows a HUGE pattern.  (HIGH NUMBERS)  If I resize
it down to say 8inches by 10inches it gets really small.  This did not EVER happen
back a Month or so.  I did UNINSTALL INKSCAPE and re-installed the latest version.
All remained THE SAME....  Help....  Danny  :+(

Computer questions / Re: Playing a DVD Question.... :+}
« on: December 01, 2012, 01:52:47 pm »
It was sealed so I would say Yes it is a store bought. 

Computer questions / Playing a DVD Question.... :+}
« on: December 01, 2012, 01:10:55 pm »
Was given a Early Christmas gift of a DVD.  It will not play in my DVD Player.  Others would.  It will play perfectly on the Computer.  Can anyone tell me why this is so?
The DVD Player shows DISC ERROR on the screen.  Help....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Just a Wheel Barrow.... :+}
« on: November 30, 2012, 08:07:25 am »
Hey Keefe....  Plans called for 1/8", But of course said could be enlarged to use bigger wood.  Its approx. 11" long by 3" wide.  Cut the sides n bottom 4 layers and the wheel only went 2 layers.  Have 2 extra front, back and bottoms, so later will cut 2 more of the sides.  Yea!  Guess off n on I cut, so will give a few hours overall.  Danny  :+}
                                                    Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Just a Wheel Barrow.... :+}
« on: November 30, 2012, 06:25:56 am »
Had a Lot of Enjoyment cutting this pattern.  Think it came out of our Scrollsaw Mag.
Was a lil touch n go in some areas, but Yea!  Nothing broke.  Cut out of 1/8 BB for the sides n bottom.  The wheel is 1/4 BB....  Any thoughts on what the public might want to shell out for it?  And Of Course....  Pros n Cons are very welcome....Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: POWERBALL....
« on: November 30, 2012, 06:21:55 am »
Well a Big Howdy Doody Gabby....  Sure have missed ya's....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: received Christmas ornament today
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:46:15 am »
Now that is a Super Looking Sleigh.  Love the glitter effect and I am with Keefe
100% with my experience TRYING to apply Glitter suggest-fully.   Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: POWERBALL....
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:43:01 am »
Now that is Great....I know the Odds, but gee whiz I would of thought at least one Power ball out of 40 tickets.  Cry.cry....  Oh well we Tried.  Now I have to sell some scroll projects to make up the Loss.  LOL  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: Ghost in the Elevator
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:25:29 am »
Thanks Russ....  I seen a lil of this somewheres, so was expecting.  Had to get a paper towel to dry my Laughter tears.  Hehehehehahhahahaha  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / POWERBALL....
« on: November 29, 2012, 06:35:20 am »
Just a bit....  40 chances and not a $1 winner.  Cry.cry....  Is there any wins out there?
                              Danny  :+(

Only in the USA.... 

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 112

