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Messages - dunk

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 109
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Problem with DW788
« on: March 29, 2011, 03:11:45 pm »
Because I thought to myself.  if I stripped out the upper one I may as well replace the lower at the same time.  So I replaced both and that is when I had the problem.  So no--- buying more parts did not help.  I did not save my old clamps to compare.  Shortly after I made the switch I moved & the old parts hit the garbage.  So I can't compare what is different in the new blade clamps and the old ones.

Brag Forum / Re: Hummingbird
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:43:04 pm »
Nicely done.  I like the subdued backer, just enough contrast so as NOT  to become the focus!  Poifect!

Computer questions / Re: Need help in identifying a font.
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:41:38 pm »
Chachi you are correct.  I found Tango BT which is a free font where the OT is a commercial font and not free.  The BT is just a little different but the client could not see the difference so all is good.

Now where was I?  Oh yeah nitrous Oxide makes a person not care.  I don't care-- so am I on Nitrous?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Crown tooth blades
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:39:04 pm »
I agree, overkill on the tape.  Dg had a good tip for you IE the burnishing, I use a credit card to do it but whatever works to get out nay bubble/wrinkles.

Ask Steve a question. / Key chain suggestion.
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:37:31 pm »
Steve I know how busy you are all the time.  We all appreciate everything you do I have a suggestion for you.

Regarding your dog bone and your oval keychain maker programs.

Could you possibly make the dog bone key chain so we can use the font from the oval key chain maker?  I have a local vet who has had several customers ask for that variation.  I'm able to do it by making a template of the ends of the dog bone and then printing out the oval and superimposing the dog bone ends, but that si quite time consuming.  This makes the center of the dog bone keychain much more durable, and quite frankly much faster to cut out in that font.

Thanks for your consideration of this suggestion.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Problem with DW788
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:41:27 am »
I agree it is a defect in the saw.  I believe the problem is a new batch of blade holders are defective.  My saw is 11 years old and always cut fine until i stripped out the upper blade thumbscrew.  I ordered new blade holders and immediately had the same problem.  Dewalt said it was within there tolerance levels.  Lot of people having this issue right now.  Exchange the saw and if it is a local store I'd request to test it out there before you even take it home.

Btw  It is "Rick" Hutchinson.  Not Mike.  ;)

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Stack Cutting
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:21:44 am »
I typically use tape so I don't waste all that "waste" wood.  There are nice pieces left over for projects later.  I know I have 3 boxes full of extra cut offs.   ;)

Brag Forum / Re: Finally a nice day!
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:19:55 am »
Good for you!  You must be a rootin and a tootin.

Computer questions / Re: Need help in identifying a font.
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:18:41 am »
HUH? :D  I suppose I am... ::)

Computer questions / Re: Need help in identifying a font.
« on: March 28, 2011, 06:57:36 pm »
I was able to identify it.  It is Tango ot.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Olson spiral blades
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:35:22 pm »
Gabby you can add a degree symbol.
Hold down the "alt" key and type in on the number pad 0176 ?  See!

Computer questions / Need help in identifying a font.
« on: March 28, 2011, 12:39:43 pm »
I have a customer who would like me to make her a sign using this font, I don't know what the font is though. Any suggestions?

I did send a message on What Font is.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Hummingbird
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:19:06 am »
when you complete the design perhaps you would like to share it with us? 

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: pricing
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:16:36 am »
If you want a great location get your local vet to let you put in some doggie and kitty themed items.

I have an item I have been selling since 1984.  When I first started scrolling and selling.  At the time I sold it for $3.00 as time went by i got tired of making this same thing over and over.  I'd make 2 dozen for every show I did and always sold out or almost.

I raised the price to $6.00 and still would sell out.  This same item which I have made over 400 of over the years.  I now have them on my website for $19.95 & 2 for $34.95 and still sell several a month.

Just saying sometimes we under price ourselves.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Lazy Days 2
« on: March 25, 2011, 02:02:34 pm »
Thanks a ton Grampa.  How bout coming over and giving a fellah a hand cutting all your wonderful gifts.

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