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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 112
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: A question for forum members
« on: February 02, 2013, 01:30:20 pm »
Hey Frank....  First your talent with cutting that pattern is Great.  I say it needs a
frame.   I had a couple of that same pattern out for sale at last years Nov. show.
Neither one of them sold!  Had a couple of just  JESUS from shoulders up and both
sold the first day.  All were framed and the ones that sold I only asked $20.  I did
have a critic stop by and he does wood/scroll work also.  Said I had most of my
crafts set at TO CHEAP OF A PRICE.  So don't really know how to take that.  Danny :+}

Hey There Tommy T....  Don't use the Spiral blades, but I kind of do know that
when using them the wood does not turn.  Spirals are designed to cut in any
direction.  I have tried using them MANY, MANY times.  Lost cause for me. Danny :+}

ONE MORE COMMENT....  Great C.D. Pattern....  Great talent cutting....Amazing....
                                      Seeing your final makes me wish I could of been Blessed
                                      with the ability to use a Spiral blade.  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: How To....
« on: January 31, 2013, 07:44:41 am »
This has been a Good Topic to read.  From my experience cutting a single piece of
say 1/4" Ply or Pine or most any soft wood is much harder more difficult to say cut
a Curve line.  Using a scrap 1/8 bottom piece makes the world of difference.  I always
Stack cut most all my projects.  My experience with the Speed is I have almost 100%
accurate control of following the line with my saw approx. 3/4.  I have some problems
staying on the line with the saw going SLOWER.  I also 100% Swear by FD-UR #1
blades for cutting even up to 3/4" stock.  Hard-Hard woods are different.  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: finish when paint...
« on: January 31, 2013, 07:23:37 am »
Have made many puzzles in my time.  If painted I always was happy with the
shinny finish afterwards from the paints.  Can see spraying Lacquer aftewards
for a harder finish. 

Julief....  Never used or even heard of your procedures.  Would LOVE to hear
more about ....Howards Feed n Wax....And how you use it.  Yes?

Danny  :+}


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Videos
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:32:40 am »
Hey Day....  Watched the beginning Video and really enjoyed it.  Was very
educational in other ways to use the Scroll saw.  Cool....  Danny  :+}

Pattern Requests. / Looking for a Pattern.... :+}
« on: January 27, 2013, 01:52:00 pm »
Well I have looked and looked and cannot locate, so need to ask.  Some posted a Beautiful
project of a Flying Eagle with a smaller one inside.  It was a look of leather stretched out
from a frame with maybe leather strips.  Sure have been wanting to cut this pattern.  Can
anyone offer me some help.  Thanks in Advance....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Your Opinions Please
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:08:12 pm »
He Buddy....  Gee your Celtic Dragons look so Professional.  I really was happy with
the way mine came out, but you got me beat by a mile.  Great with Black.  Ireland
buddy would like Green.  You are a very Talented Scroller Kieth.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Valentine DreamCatchers....... Finished
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:05:02 pm »
Never cut this type of craft, but I sure like yours.  Eye Catching.  Hmmmmm.  Just
might find me a pattern.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Valentine
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:02:02 pm »
Great looking worded heart frame and Marcel made me think.  Wait a minute that
gal might just be a picture he picked up.  LOL  I know and A Good Looking Gal you
have there.  She will just Love it.  I think I might cut one for my Babes....Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Re: question about pop ups
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:09:29 am »
Hello King....And All....  I checked my Un-install area and I DO NOT HAVE A ..JAVA..
Listed.  I guess it has never been on my PC.  Is Java a Important thing to have?
                                  Learn something new everyday.  LOL  Tks....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Re: Having to RESTART my PC.... ?
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:06:04 am »
Hi King....  Was advised long ago to set up the PC in a Hibernation mode.  No being
a Whiz at my knowledge of the lingo all I can say is each morning I do have to push
the start button on the computer, but all happens real fast.  And when I can't open
the Home Page and I go thru the motions to Restart this only takes a minute or so.

I do have the  Ccleaner programed to run a Scan every day.  I checked the Accessories and system tools and I also have the Defrag. set up to do its thing every week. 

Didn't have any problems with having to restart yesterday.  Hey maybe all this is
cleared up.  Hope....  Thank Everyone for their input....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Re: Having to RESTART my PC.... ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:02:28 pm »
Hey Billy....That was a Funny....Hehe....  This PC is only almost a year old.  I
really feel some of my problems have been O.T., but I am learning.  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Re: Having to RESTART my PC.... ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:06:59 pm »
I DO HAVE Ccleaner installed at present.  Its supposed to run a Scan every day.
Might just need to bring it up and check things out.  Will let yas know....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Having to RESTART my PC.... ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:47:37 am »
This past week been experiencing this problem....  Double clicking on icon for my
Home Page.  The lil arrow plus hour glass pops up and goes away.  The Home Page
does not come up.  I decided to just RESTART the PC and afterwards all worked right.

I have been having to go thru this routine several times lately....

Is there a cure for this?

Thanks in Advance....  Danny  :+(

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