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Messages - DWSudekum

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 246
Brag Forum / Re: Just finish
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:04:36 pm »
Very nicely done on both projects.    Thanks for sharing them with us.


Brag Forum / Re: 4 stacked spiral bowls
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:53:19 am »
They look great and also look like they'd be fun to make.  Is the pattern from Steve's?

No the pattern comes from a gentleman in Romania named Tina Florin his website address is :  He has made several very inetresting patterns available for free.


Brag Forum / Re: eagle heads, NEW SCROLL SAW!, and thankyou
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:12:55 pm »
Nicely done Matt.  I bet the eagles would really pop with a black background.  Don't ya just love a good saw :)  Keep up the great work.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


Brag Forum / Re: 4 stacked spiral bowls
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:46:08 pm »
Well done!  Are those cut from one piece of wood or several (for each bowl).


One piece of wood Karl. 


Brag Forum / 4 stacked spiral bowls
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:26:02 pm »
All 4 of these bowls were made from the same pattern.  The differences were the thickness of the wood and the size of the pattern.

The first bowl ( top left )
This Bowl was cut from 1/2 inch thick BB.  Sealed with Tung Oil and then top coated with satin lacquer.  The pattern was full size.

The second bowl ( top right )
This bowl was cut from this blank that is 5/8 in. thick.  The pattern was full size.  Sealed with tung oil and then top coated with satin lacquer.

The third bowl ( bottom left )
This bowl was cut from 1/4 in. 3 pile ply.  The pattern was full size.  I did not use all of the rings.  Sealed with tung oil and top coated with satin lacquer.

The fourth bowl ( bottom right )
This bowl was cut from 1/4" bb however the pattern was only 5 inches in diameter.  Sealed with tung oil and top coated with satin lacquer.

The two on the top were full size but had different wood thickness. The striped one was 5/8 in and the other 1/2 inch.
The other two were 1/4 inch but of different size ( diameter ) patterns. All the bowls were sealed with tung oil and then top coated with satin lacquer.  As you can see there can be a wide variance in making a bowl with a pattern.


Brag Forum / Re: 1st Project on my DW788
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:14:56 pm »
Generally most of the portraits I have done are not the self framing type.  I put them in a frame so that the backing at least for mine are sometimes held in place by the frame. As for backing material I have used 1/8 ply or something like it.  Gluing it is always a hassle however nothing says that you have to use a ton of glue to hold it in place.  Just a few critical points is all you really need.


Brag Forum / Re: For my niece
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:10:02 pm »
You did a great job.  Think about it you did not have a premade pattern just a photo to work from.. Excellent work.. Thanks for sharing this with us.  I am sure that this is something that she will remember and cherish for a long time to come.


Brag Forum / Re: 1st Project on my DW788
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:44:49 pm »
Great job.  Very nicely cut and the frame adds to the overall aesthetic of the piece.  Well done.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Sawyers' Day 2015
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:15:08 am »
Count me in


Brag Forum / Re: First One of the Year
« on: January 13, 2015, 09:02:33 pm »
Very very nicely done Paul.  I really like that.  With a proper lit background it would make a great night light.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


Brag Forum / Re: Jezus Plaque
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:24:29 pm »
Marcel that came out fantastic.  I like the plaque translated to Dutch like that.  Great work.  Thanks for sharing this with us.  As for your question about a backer the ones I have made I have not done a backer for.  I gave one to my Mother for Christmas and she has it standing proudly in her hutch.  It looks good without a backer in my opinion however the choice is yours.:)


Brag Forum / Re: Labrador Retrievers sign
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:26:51 pm »
Nicely done. I am sure that he will like it.  Thanks for sharing this with us.

BTW the picture is a bit small to make out many details.


Brag Forum / Re: 1st Portrait
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:25:27 pm »
Nicely done Andy. I am sure she really like that.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


The scrollsaw community has a member that is quite knowledgeable about scroll saws his name is Rick Hutcheson and he has a website that should have a ton of information about your saw and many others.  Looking forward to seeing your work.


Brag Forum / Re: Trian for Grandson
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:00:00 pm »
Very very nice.  I am sure he's going to have years of playing with that.  Thanks for sharing it with us.


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