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Messages - Rapid Roger

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 98
Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Deeper drilling using a Dremel
« on: September 16, 2012, 02:41:05 pm »
I'm not sure how small they go but, I have a 6" long 1/8" drill bit, they are called "Jobbers length" bits. The one I have is made by Irwin and I think I got it at either Ace Hardware or Lowe's.
Hope that helps.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Bits and pieces
« on: September 13, 2012, 11:17:02 am »
I question #24. If bananas can not reproduce them selves, how have they lasted so long, and are found in so many places where man has never been?


The Coffee Shop / Re: World Peace???
« on: September 13, 2012, 11:02:41 am »
I live in a fairly rural part of Kansas. The city replaced a "four way stop" intersection with a "round-a-bout" style intersection. Us locals got used to it in fairly short order but some out of town folks (farmers) are so confused by it that it has caused traffic jambs. You should see the looks in their eyes! Everything from stark terror and confusion to out right anger that the traffic just seems to keep coming because they stopped.  :D :D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: compound cutting
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:43:02 pm »
I have made "Salt and pepper shakers" with my scroll saw. This is the first of several designs.


The Coffee Shop / Re: NEVER AGAIN!
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:11:16 am »
I don't care for our local H.D. and trade at Lowe's all the time anyway but, I must say that your experience with having them cut your trim has more to do with the person running the saw than the company. I always do my own cutting to start with so when it's wrong I blame the saw.  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: 107 Degrees Heat
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:50:58 pm »
Well, I guess I have it a lot better than I thought!  :o  I have an enclosed shop, and for the most part, I just live in it.  ;D 
Not only do I have a window air conditioner, I have an electric heater (it gets cold in Kansas too), a flat screen TV, a beer box, a laptop computer (this one) a desk, a bench and all my tools with in easy reach.  ;) Friends drop by for coffee or a beer and just shoot the wind quite often.  :)
Retirement is wonderful!!  :D :D :D


The Coffee Shop / Re: 107 Degrees Heat
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:29:06 am »
Hey guys. That is why God invented the window air conditioner ya know.  ;D
 I'm in Kansas and we get temps like that here too.  ;)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New 788 problem
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:48:42 pm »
1.. Dull blade.

2.. Blade upside down.

3.. Bent blade.

4.. not enough tension.

5.. Pushing (feeding) wood too hard or too fast.

6.. Trying to make the saw go where you want it to by pushing sideways instead of turning the wood.

7.. When I have a bit of trouble like this, I stop, relax, look at where the line goes, restart the saw and let it  do the work. All I have to do is guide the line into the blade. It is not rocket science or a strength test.  ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What kind of Font, I'm stumped?
« on: August 27, 2012, 10:09:14 am »
Here is what I'm talking about. I used "Rave" font which is not designed for scroll sawing and has islands and or floaters normally. I printed it out using outline, drew in my own bridges, cut the pattern words and numbers out of the pattern and arranged them on my clock face the way I wanted them to be. Used spray glue and went to work!
Please note the "4,6, 8, 9, 10, and the e's and o's.



General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What kind of Font, I'm stumped?
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:37:05 am »
You can use any font you want and after printing the pattern go back with a ballpoint pen and put in any bridges you want  any where you want. I've done this just recently for a clock I made. Just remember to "think" as you cut. Or use a red pencil as a reminder where the new bridges are.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Work Bench Caddy
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:44:29 pm »
I might suggest something a simple as a chunk of 2x4 (or 2x6) about 8" long and drill some holes of an appropriate size for the items you need to store near by. If you use the plastic tubes for the blades of course you will need larger holes than you need for the pencil or files.
Don't over think something like this, it always gets bigger than you have room for and it makes your head hurt too.  ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Covering power tools in the shop
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:25:36 pm »
I don't take time to cover any of my tools. The cover would get in the way of using them and I wouldn't have any clean place to lay the covers anyway.
The only "cover" I use is a good coat of paste wax ever month or so and brush the saw dust off when I'm finished using the tool.
I live in Kansas and we have every kind of weather you can imagine, from -15 in the winter to 115 in the summer and yes we have a lot of humidity too!


The Coffee Shop / Re: Super/Industrial Size
« on: August 16, 2012, 06:14:25 pm »
Just wait until the "Myth Busters" get a roll of that!!
They could build a house out of that. Or is that, an out house built with that. ?????


The Coffee Shop / Re: A/C Help
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:57:02 pm »
You shouldn't have any problems at all.
I have had an AC unit in a window directly behind my scroll saw for 10-15 years and it just recently lost it's cooling freon and I have had to replace it with a newer, larger unit.
The only thing I can say about the filter is that you may have to vacuum it or wash it once a month or so.
Not to worry.


The Coffee Shop / Re: The "Water Bed"!
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:56:22 pm »


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